The items are:
Sunday, 1 July 2012
Blogaversary Candy - I'm a Year Old Today
The items are:
Sunday, 1 July 2012
Blogaversary Candy - I'm a Year Old Today
The items are:
- Maria Therese said...
Beayond yummi!! I have linked up in my sidebar :) Have a fabulous day!!
1 July 2012 at 16:55
- Kelly Lloyd said...
Good afternoon Hazel,
Firstly I would like to say your new blog page looks lovely..
Happy Blogging Birthday to you!!
Thanks for the chance of winning this amazing candy..
Hugs Kelly -
1 July 2012 at 17:16
- Rebecca Hoy said...
Wow- another great gift! I'll get a picture on my blog ASAP,
Thanks ever so much for the chance to win,
Rebecca x x x -
1 July 2012 at 17:20
- Nat said...
Hi Hazel, love the new look Blog and your candy looks so tasty - you are very generous, thank you for the chance to win. By the way I am in awe of your colouring, it's always absolutely perfect.
Natx -
1 July 2012 at 17:29
- Unknown said...
Congratulations on a year!!! Fabulous candy :)
1 July 2012 at 17:53
- Barbara GR said...
Congrat Hanzel on your blogging anniversary!!! The candy is amazing. Thank you for the chance to win it!
Hugs, Barbara gr -
1 July 2012 at 18:00
- KandA said...
Hi Hazel
Congratulations on the anniversary. It's a super blog with some really fantastic creations. Well done and of course many thanks for the chance to win this fab candy xx -
1 July 2012 at 18:05
- Pat said...
Congratulations on your 1 year Hazel, thanks for the chance to win your candy.
Pat xx -
1 July 2012 at 18:16
- Marianne's Craftroom said...
Thanks for the chance to win such lush candy. Happy blogaversry. Will link on my sidebar when on laptop.
1 July 2012 at 18:17
- Sue said...
WOW Hazel, that is such a wonderful selection of goodies, you are very generous, just off to put a picture on my sidebar now
Hugs Sue -
1 July 2012 at 18:20
- flossbite said...
Happy Blogger Birthday! Love the new look blog. Very generous candy, I have to say! Will add link to my blog if I can figure out how (may need instructions ;-))
Toodle Pip
Fiona xx -
1 July 2012 at 18:24
- fionalawlor said...
Hi Hazel!
Happy 1st Blog Birthday!! the rest will all fly by now lol Thanks so much for a chance to enter for this fabby candy :) I have added it to my sidebar.
Fiona L x -
1 July 2012 at 18:39
- Unknown said...
Congrats! Thank you for the candy and hope you had a great time this year:D
1 July 2012 at 18:46
- Karen said...
HUGE congrats on reaching your wonderful first milestone sweetie.
It's a lovely feeling isn't it? Smiles.
Hugs to you.
Karen.xx -
1 July 2012 at 18:51
- Sonia said...
What's a fabulous candy Hazel:)If I can partecipate...thanks a lot for the chance to win:)
Big hug,
Sonia -
1 July 2012 at 18:55
- Vicky said...
Hi Hazel, congratulations on your first year blogging!! Here's to many more...
Thanks so much for the chance to win some lovely candy
hugs Vicky x x x -
1 July 2012 at 18:55
- Unknown said...
Wow Happy One Year Blogaversary Hazel. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun! Thanks for the chance to win some gorgeous candy! xx
1 July 2012 at 19:02
- Linda Visser - van der Velden said...
Congratulations! Keep going like this! And such a lovely candy! :)
1 July 2012 at 19:09
- KellysKards said...
Happy Blogday and thank you for the chance to win this fab candy. I have added a piccy to my sidebar.
Kelly -
1 July 2012 at 19:13
- Helena (Gvendalen) said...
Good evening Hazel,
Happy Blogging Birthday to you!
Thanks for the chance of winning this fab candy.
hugs, Helena -
1 July 2012 at 19:18
- Carol Willis said...
Gorgeous candy Hazel, thanks so much for an opportunity to win. Congratulations on your blogs 1st birthday.
Caz x -
1 July 2012 at 19:51
- Flowergirl said...
Happy blogaversary! Wow! It goes so quickly! Thank you for the chance to win your yummy candy!
Wendy x -
1 July 2012 at 20:06
- Ala M. said...
Happy Blogging Birthday to You! My best wishes to You!
1 July 2012 at 20:22
- Ala M. said...
Happy Blogging Birthday to You! My best wishes to You!
1 July 2012 at 20:22
- Unknown said...
Hi Hazel you are so generous , your candy looks fantastic thank you for the chance Hugs Elaine
1 July 2012 at 20:36
- Mo said...
Congratulations to your blogaversary dear Hazel !!!
Thanks indeed for the chance to win your yummy candy...
Big hugs,
Mo -
1 July 2012 at 20:36
- Linda (Lindyloo) said...
Hi again Hazel,
How wonderful and how generous. This is beautiful candy and a fabulous way to celebrate your first year anniversary. Keep up the good work because this is a lovely blog to visit.
Hugs Linda x -
1 July 2012 at 20:43
- jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...
Happy 1st Blog Birthday, wishing you many many more, keep the gorgeous work coming. janex
1 July 2012 at 20:45
- Fabiola said...
félicitation et très heureux anniversaire pour ton blog Hazel et très jolie ta nouvelle déco, biz
1 July 2012 at 20:47
- Shazza said...
congrats on y our first year!! I am already a follower Hazel and have added your candy to my side bar. Thanks for the chance to win such yummy goodies x
1 July 2012 at 20:49
- xxcalamityxx said...
Happy first Blog birthday Hazel x x Your work is a pleasure to look and and your blog a joy to follow !!
Nikki -
1 July 2012 at 20:54
- rachel said...
happy first blogoversary Hazel - you really are an inspiration! Big Hugs rachel xx
1 July 2012 at 21:24
- Anne-Marie said...
Woohoo!! Happy blogaversary to yoo-hoo! Very generous have the best taste....haaaa!
1 July 2012 at 21:26
- Lorraine said...
wow congrats sweetie and thankyou for the chance of this stunning prize xx
1 July 2012 at 22:05
- said...
Hi Hazel, Such a great candy ans I love to play along :D I love your coloringtechnique! Hugs, Karin
1 July 2012 at 22:07
- Mina said...
huge congratulations on your blogaversary and wow to your fantastic candy, I have been a follower for a while and have posted it on my sidebar...thanks for the chance to win
Mina xxx -
1 July 2012 at 22:25
- Jennifer said...
Congratulations Hazel on one fantastic year! I so love to see all that you share! I pray you have a wonderful day!
1 July 2012 at 23:07
- Nicole Doiron said...
Happy Blogaversary Hazel!!! I have been a follower for some time and i always enjoy visiting and getting inspired by your creativity!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win such a beautiful prize!
2 July 2012 at 00:14
- Tracy said...
Oh my gracious what gorgeous candy! Thanks so much for offering this in celebration of your blogaversary Hazel. Here's to another happy year of blogging! Hugs!
2 July 2012 at 02:40
- Tanya said...
Happy blogaversary Hazel :) Here's to many more years of your blog, I love seeing your fabulous creations :) Your new blog header is lovely too :)
Thanks for the chance to win!
Tags xx -
2 July 2012 at 02:50
- Tina said...
congrats on 1 year and many more to come, thanks for the chance to win posted to my blog
2 July 2012 at 04:53
- bikchantaeva said...
thank you for candy!
2 July 2012 at 06:22
- Pamela said...
Congratulations on your blogaversary Helen. Great candy, thank you for the chance. Have posted on my blog.
Pam x -
2 July 2012 at 07:37
- Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...
Thanks so much for the chance to win this fab candy Hazel. I am already a follower but I have posted a pic on my sidebar xx
2 July 2012 at 08:12
- angelique (anlou) said...
hiya sweetie
congrats on your one year blogging sweetie, and thank you so much for a chance to win this huge prize hunni
i've a candy running to, come and enter, it's a suprise for now, LOL
hugs angelique -
2 July 2012 at 09:05
- Christine L said...
Firstly a big CONGRATS on your one year anniversary!!
And wowwww what fab blog candy.... but it's really a pleasure to follow your blog.... your cards are an inspiration always and I look forward to each visit!
Christine x -
2 July 2012 at 09:09
- A Casa di Ale said...
2 July 2012 at 10:08
- децибелушка said...
Congratulations! year is a lot! I wish success and inspiration!
2 July 2012 at 10:57
- Njeri said...
Happy blogiversary, congratulations on your milestone.
2 July 2012 at 11:39
- Cliodana said...
happy anniversary to you!
2 July 2012 at 13:22
- Claudia said...
Hi Hazel
Congrats on the your bloganniversary. thanks for the chance to win
hugs -
2 July 2012 at 17:28
- marion said...
wowwwww what a fab candy Hazel, would like a chance on this one, entered the blue frog and put your candy in my sidebar. Hugs, Marion
2 July 2012 at 19:49
- Isabelle Linnér said...
What a wonderful blog candy :) Just want to thank you for all the inspiration you give!
Hugs -
2 July 2012 at 21:17
- Kim Dibben said...
Congratulations on your Blogaversary, thank you for the chance to win such beautiful candy.
Kim xx -
2 July 2012 at 23:12
- Bubleeing Colors said...
Hi Hazel, I'm your old follower.......Congratulations on your Year old the new look Blog and your big & sweet candy looks so tasty as your work....... Thank you for the chance to win amazing candy!!!!!
3 July 2012 at 06:25
Anonymous said...
Happy 1st Blogoversary Hazel and thanks for the chance to win such awesome candy!
Helen x -
3 July 2012 at 07:16
- rovianne said...
Happy blogoversery. What a great way to celebrate.
Thanks for a chance to win. Love you blog also so I'll be back -
3 July 2012 at 11:08
- Magda said...
Congratulations Hazel !!
Only a year???
I would think longer because of all your beautiful creations. I am impressed!!
You give away a very, very , very nice candy!!
Thank you !
I am going to join.
Lovely regards
Magda -
3 July 2012 at 13:44
- ~@ngie~ said...
Happyyyyy Blogaversaryyyyyyy :) am so glad I found your blog... your creations are just so inspiring... I know where to look when my creativity is lacking.... you have an excellent eye for combining everything from colour to embellishments & to say its your '1st' anniversary... WOW... look at the followers so far.... that just says it all I reckon ;) hehehe
I have added a pic of the candy to my sidebar with a link & a message & I just want to say 'WOW... how generous & kind of you to offer something to us when its your special occassion :) Thank you for the opportunity to have a chance to win such fabulous candy... I wish everyone the best of luck & I hope you continue creating much more AWE INSPIRING work :)'
love n hugz Angie xXx -
3 July 2012 at 15:42
- Karen P said...
Happy Blog-Day Hazel!!! I've popped you in the right side bar on my blog. I come visit when I can because your projects and creations are so very, very gorgeous hugs Karen x
3 July 2012 at 15:46
- Edilza Teixeira Scrap e Artes said...
Oi Hazel!!!
Conheci o seu blog e amei os seus trabalhos. Obrigada pela oportunidade de participar desse maravilhoso doce. Coloquei na barra lateral do meu blog direcionando para o seu.
Beijos -
3 July 2012 at 17:28
- June Nelson said...
Wow Hazel its amazing hunnie!! I think I would have died and gone to heaven to win something like this, thanks so much for the chance huggies June xxxxx oops ive linked you to mysidebar darl thanks xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3 July 2012 at 20:23
- Solange Barreto said...
Conheci seu blog através da minha Amiga Edilza.
Estou seguindo, admirando seu lindo e inspirador trabalho.
Vou adorar também participar do seu maravilhoso sorteio.
Já postei na barra lateral direcionando para o seu.
Fique com Deus, sucesso com seu sorteio. -
3 July 2012 at 22:57
- Yoly e Suas Artes said...
Conheci seu blog atraves da minha amiga Edilza e amei seus trabalhos!!!! Parabéns pelo aniversário!!!!
Obrigada pela oportunidade de participar dese lindo doce!!! Beijos!!! -
4 July 2012 at 06:03
- Yoly e Suas Artes said...
Conheci seu blog atraves da minha amiga Edilza e amei seus trabalhos!!!! Parabéns pelo aniversário!!!!
Obrigada pela oportunidade de participar dese lindo doce!!! Beijos!!! -
4 July 2012 at 06:03
- sue w. said...
Hi Hazel, huge congratulations on your 1st blogaversary. I thought I was already following you but I am now hun. Your work is fab. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful candy.
Hugs Sue W. -
5 July 2012 at 18:44
- Rosalee said...
Happy Blogaversary Hazel. AWESOME candy to celebrate!! Thanks so much for the chance. You are so generous.
Hugs, Rosalee -
5 July 2012 at 20:24
- Ardilla said...
Congratulations on your anniversary!
I just became a follower of your blog. Thanks for the chance :) -
6 July 2012 at 05:48
- Anja said...
Hi Hazel,
Congratulations to your blogaversary and thank you so much for offering this gorgeous candy.
Hugs, Anja -
6 July 2012 at 08:22
- Ira Emelyanova said...
Поздравляю с годовщинкой! И пускай вдохновение тебя не покидает!
6 July 2012 at 16:01
- Stamps and Paper said...
Congrats on your blog the new page..great blog candy and thanks for giving us the chance to win it
Anne -
6 July 2012 at 19:22
Anonymous said...
Happy Blog anniversary hunny! with lots of fabulous posts! always entertaining and inspirational... LOVE your style and so kind to offer such an awesome candy too! keep my little fingers crossed :)
hugs me xx -
6 July 2012 at 20:38
- Handgathered said...
Everyone loves candy! It's on my blog.
6 July 2012 at 23:43
- Sharon said...
Happy Anniversary Hazel, love the header of your blog... looks fabulous. You know I love your work. Wishing you many more happy anniversaries dear. hugs Sharon xx
7 July 2012 at 07:35
Anonymous said...
Hi Hazel,
Congrats on your 1st blogaversary!
I really love to visit your blog, your cards are always so beautiful and your coloring is fabulous!
Hope to enjoy much more years of your work.
And what a great candy!
Love, Liselot -
7 July 2012 at 15:54
- Kim said...
loving the new look blog - and such generous candy! congrats on your 'first birthday'!
Kim x -
7 July 2012 at 16:26
- Linda (Lindyloo) said...
Hi Hazel,
This is just delightful candy Hazel. A very generous win for one of your loyal followers.
Thanks you so much for the chance to win.
Big Hugs Linda x -
8 July 2012 at 00:02
- Lisa Walsh @ said...
Hi Hazel,
Just found your blog from Totally Gorjuss. Love your work :) Congrats on your blog anniversary :) Anyway gotta go and look at some more of your designs. Keep up the great work :) Take care.
Lisa -
8 July 2012 at 00:32
- Wendy Nicola Jackson said...
Hazel, this candy is so generous! How fabulous to have been blogging a year! I have been following you through your magazine articles, it feels so much longer! So lovely to have your beautiful cards online for inspiration!! Hugs, Wends xxxx
8 July 2012 at 09:57
- Planetsusie said...
Hi Hazel - I've just found your blog, you have some really lovely work on it. Congratulations on your first year blogaversary. I am so envious because I haven't a clue how to even start a blog. Love your candy, how generous of you. Will be definitely following you from now on.
Hugs Sue P xx -
8 July 2012 at 16:13
- downrightcrafty said...
congratulations hun, and it would be so rude not to help you celebrate :)
Hugs Kate xx
ps would you like to join my candy too :) -
8 July 2012 at 21:25
- Shelby said...
Congratulations on your first year! May there be many many more
Shelby -
10 July 2012 at 02:10
- Debbie said...
Congratulations Hazel on your first year. Thank you for the chance to win such fabulous candy.
Hugs Debbie x -
10 July 2012 at 21:42
- Rhonda Sue said...
Congratulations on a wonderful first year. I can't believe how many followers you have. I haven't done as well. I'm glad I found you. Your cards are just beautiful. You're very talented.
11 July 2012 at 03:15
- Caroline said...
Hi Hazel gorgeous thankyou for the chance of winning these beautiful goodies. Caroline xxx
11 July 2012 at 09:26
- Angela said...
Wow one year already..... Gongrats Hazel!!! Love to hop over every now and then... your creations are soooo gorgeous; love it!!!
Have a nice day...
p.s. Since I'm living in the Netherlands I won't be joining your candy.... although it's a lovely one!
Good luck -
11 July 2012 at 10:55
- April said...
Happy Blogaversary!!!! Such lovely candy, thanks for the chance to win x
11 July 2012 at 16:00
- Geri Urumova said...
Hi Hazel, I've been watching your work for some time, I do not know how I've missed to follow your blog, but now it's official! Thanks for this generous candy!
Geri -
11 July 2012 at 20:35
- sallysbitz2 said...
Congrats Hazel on your 1 yr of blogging.
Such Gorgeous candy, thanks for the chance of winning x
hugs sally x -
11 July 2012 at 21:28
- Vivi Morais said...
Hi, Hazel!!
It's always good to have an blog aniversary!! congrats!!!
I've add it on my blog:
Thanks for this chance to win!! -
12 July 2012 at 05:00
- cristina said...
genial muchas felicidades!!!! por favor cuenta conmigo seria un gusto enorme ganar unos presentes tan lindos gracias por la oportunidad y saludos :)
12 July 2012 at 15:36
- Unknown said...
Congrats on your anniversary! I stumbled upon your blog and think your cards are wonderful. Love your layering, and colour combinations. I'm delighted to become a follower. Thanks for the chance to win your great candy stash.
12 July 2012 at 21:44
- Tonya said...
Oh Hazel, I want to jump up and down just thinking about all of these goodies. Thank you so much for your generosity in offering a chance. Congratulations and Happy Blogaversary, sweetie.
I added the candy to my blog and I was already a follower. -
13 July 2012 at 02:15
- Chrissy said...
Thank you so much for the chance to win your amamzing candy Hazel..
Congratulations on your first year..
13 July 2012 at 09:58
- mags said...
Congratulations Hazel on your first year. Thanks for the chance to win some yummy candy.
x -
13 July 2012 at 22:51
- Rachel F said...
Congrats Hazel thanks so much for all of your inspiration!
13 July 2012 at 23:11
- Kirsty said...
Hi Happy First Bloganaversary ! It is such a special time Well Done ! Many more years of happy crafting Blogging to You ! Candy is so wonderful ! Thanks for the opportunity ;0)
13 July 2012 at 23:14
- Hanna - Rebecca " TheMissHaven " said...
Happy Blogaversary !! Woohoo :)
The giveaway is lovely... Thank you for this chance ^^
Hugs Rebecca -
13 July 2012 at 23:34
- sue w. said...
Hi Hazel, Huge congratulations on your first blogaversary. Love your blog and your fab cards. Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous candy, so generous. We're all winners really with such great inspiration.
Hugs Sue W. -
14 July 2012 at 01:46
- Gideoni said...
Congrats for birthday! I love your blog.
14 July 2012 at 01:52
- mila said...
Hello Hazel, first happiness and success always comes with this beautiful gesture of giving away a sweet so beautiful, congratulations!And I am also very happy to be able to share that moment and join your blog, I liked what I saw, and Yes I'm your follower!Thank you very much for the opportunity and even more!
14 July 2012 at 07:17
- Sally-Ann Huson said...
Congratulations on becoming ONE! Thank you so much for your kind words, encouragement and support when I was just starting out on the blog journey myself. You are a Star. Keep making your gorgeous cards.
14 July 2012 at 07:19
- Ea Christiansen said...
Happy 1st year blogaversary - can't wait to see what you'll do next :o)
14 July 2012 at 07:57
- Inkypinkydelights said...
Happy Aniversary Hazel! Gosh where has this past year gone! What a lovely candy you are offering too, so very generous and so yummy! Enjoy your weekend, Judy x
14 July 2012 at 08:32
- Sylvie Mathieu said...
Hi my dear Hazel !
Thanks for this chance to win and of course, I published a link to you candy on my blog ;-))))
Have a good day and, yeah, happy anniversary ;-)))
Sylvie -
14 July 2012 at 12:12
- Karen said...
Congrats hun - I bet you can't believe it's gone so fast.
Smiles.xx -
14 July 2012 at 14:34
- Becky said...
Congratulations on your one year! Hope you have many more. I just found you through another friend of mine, what gorgeous work you do.
14 July 2012 at 19:52
- Unknown said...
I'm proof that your followers' network is working! I saw a picture on another's site and clicked through and boy I'm glad! I love your cards. A very happy 1st blogversary!
//Tabbatha -
14 July 2012 at 20:59
- Unknown said...
Hi Hazel
Congrats on the your blog anniversary. thanks for the chance to win
hugs Kaz.xx -
15 July 2012 at 10:52
- DollySelvam said...
hi... congrats on your blog anniversary,,...thankyou very much for your reply... and giving me a chance...:)
15 July 2012 at 14:24
- Ali said...
Doh!! used the wrong picture. congrats on your blogaversary!! Off to put a linky on my blog xxx
15 July 2012 at 18:17
- Asia King (aka Joanna K) said...
Happy Blogaversary Hazel! How exciting to reach 1 year of crafty blogging :)) and your candy is superb - great way to celebrate this happy occasion! I'm already a follower and I put a piccie of you candy in my Blog Candy Cauldron linky. Thank you for a chance to win! xx
15 July 2012 at 19:31
- Riti said...
Congratulations Hazel !!!!!
Wow Happy One Year Blogaversary to You. I just celebrated mine a few days back & I know exactly how You feel. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun! Thanks for the chance to win some gorgeous candy!I'm your new Follower here & have posted about the candy on the sidebar of my Blog.
Riti -
16 July 2012 at 19:02
- Laura said...
Congratulations Hazel, thanks so much for the wonderful opportunity to win your gorgeous candy. Have popped the link on my side bar.
Laura xx -
17 July 2012 at 08:46
- Unknown said...
Happy Blogoversary!
Thanks so much for a chance to win this candy.
Maria -
17 July 2012 at 16:54
- Crie Artezzanato said...
Happy blogoversery. Great candy!!!
Thanks for a chance to win.
I am your follower and I added this link on my sidebar
Val Rodrigues -
17 July 2012 at 18:19
- scrappymo! said...
Congratulayion Hazel!
Thanks for sponsoring this wonderful opportunity. Off to follow you now and load your sidebar. -
18 July 2012 at 03:00
- paperpapier said...
thank you for the chance to win this sweet candy!
Heaney xx -
18 July 2012 at 04:56
- Аня Memory_art said...
Спасибо за замечательный блог и конфетку!!!
18 July 2012 at 06:18
- KathR said...
Happy Blogversary, can't believe that you have been blogging for a year...Awsome candy!..Heres to another year!...
hugz Kath...xx... -
18 July 2012 at 15:47
- Annie said...
Congrats on your blog birthday :-). Gorgeous blog candy, thanks so much for the chance to win! Hugs Ann xxx
18 July 2012 at 22:14
- Wendy said...
Happy Blogaversary Hazel and thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous candy, someone is going to be very lucky.
Wendy xx -
18 July 2012 at 22:46
- Malin E said...
Hello there! Congrats to youre 1 year!!
What a lovely blog you have!
Have a great day!
Hugs MAlin -
18 July 2012 at 23:54
- Debbie said...
You are one generous lady.Congratulations on your 1 year blogaversary.Thank you for the chance to win these amazing goodies.Hugs Debbie x
19 July 2012 at 11:32
- Sue Nicholson said...
Congratulations on your 1st year.
Cheers for letting us crafters join in the fun of your candy. Cheers Sue N x -
19 July 2012 at 15:50
- Mallika said...
Hello hull
thankyou for offering such a sweet candy
really generous on your part
congrats for completion of an year
thankyou again
i m ur new stalker + added the picture to my sidebar
mallika -
19 July 2012 at 16:08
- Ani said...
Congrats on your blogaversary! What a lovely candy! I'll keep my fingers crossed! Hugs, Ani
19 July 2012 at 20:31
- Vesna said...
Congratulations on your 1 year blogaversary and thank you for the chance to win this candy. I must say that your work is absolutely gorgeus.
19 July 2012 at 20:42
- Vesna said...
Congratulations on your 1 year blogaversary and thank you for the chance to win this candy.
19 July 2012 at 20:44
- Vesna said...
Congratulations on your 1 year blogaversary and thank you for the chance to win this candy.
19 July 2012 at 20:45
- Hayley said...
Hi Hazel
A very haprry blogging birthday. Great candi. Keep up the good work.
Hayley -
21 July 2012 at 09:43
- Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...
Happy blogaversary! Thanks for giving us the chance to win your wonderful candy and congratulations on your first year
Lindsay xx -
21 July 2012 at 12:41
Anonymous said...
It's a great giveaway!!Thanks for the chance to win so yummy candy.
21 July 2012 at 17:09
- Unknown said...
Oh My God, this candy is so so great! Thank you so much fir the chance to win it.
22 July 2012 at 05:56
- Belkies said...
Thanks for the chance to win so yummy candy!!
Anna -
22 July 2012 at 13:11
- Dicas da Reny said...
Que belos presentes. Você é muito generosa.
Obrigada pela chance de ganhá-los.
Coloquei na lateral do meu blog
Estou seguindo este lindo blog.
Um grande abraço
Reny Gomes -
23 July 2012 at 00:36
I love your color choices, and very much appreciate the sketches and information about what you used. Mine don't pop outlike yours do so i appreciate the info on what you used. happy birthday i am going to try to put you on my facebook. while there, check out our scrap deals yard sale page FACEBOOK MARIANNE CRIST
23 July 2012 at 02:19
- crafty-stamper said...
congratulations on your first year and fantastic card candy just off to post ink on my blog
carol x -
23 July 2012 at 19:42
- Rorina said...
Congratulations on your first blog anniversary!
I have watched your blog through with great pleasure. Your cards are so kind and colorful! I like your works so much that I've become your follower.
Thanks for the chance to win this magnificent, wonderful candy. I hope I'm lucky enough to win!
Irina D.
P.S. - I put the link with picture on the left sidebar (WONDERFUL BLOGAVERSARY CANDY BY HAZEL). -
24 July 2012 at 02:41
- bittan said...
Nice blog and candy too ! -
24 July 2012 at 19:21
- Эльби said...
Очень хочется выиграть конфету вашу:)
24 July 2012 at 22:13
- Emily H said...
Happy one year blogaversary!! (a little late) That is so exciting! I can't believe how many followers you have! I have been blogging for about 5 months and I only have 22 followers. Thank you for sharing your awesome talent and this candy!
25 July 2012 at 03:04
- Jaya Raghuvanshi said...
congratulations on ur first yr...wud love to win this huge candy:)i put the picture on my sidebar...
jaya -
25 July 2012 at 10:34
- Jaya Raghuvanshi said...
congratulations on completing ur first year... wud love to win ur huge candy:)posted ur link to my blog sidebar..
congrats n all the best..
jaya -
25 July 2012 at 10:42
- Unknown said...
Wow, I just somehow found your blog and am I glad I did. Your creations are just beautiful. I am amazed at the candy yu are giving away. Congrats on the first anniversary. I have your candy on my blog side bar...cheers, luv annie
25 July 2012 at 13:17
- Gem said...
Congratulations on your 1st year!
I've been blogging longer and just learnt today how to do the blog candy! When i learn how to hold one i will. Thanks x -
25 July 2012 at 20:17
- Stempelbavaria said...
Hello Hazel,
Happy Blogging Birthday to you! Thanks for the chance of winning this amazing candy.
Daniela -
25 July 2012 at 21:03
- Freetany said...
Happy Blogoversary! Very beautiful cards and coloring on the summit :)
Thanks so much for a chance to win this candy.
Hugs from Ukraine -
26 July 2012 at 09:12
- Hildes Scrappeunivers said...
Awesome candy! Thanks for giving me the chance!
Hugs from Hilde -
26 July 2012 at 10:47
- Shelley said...
thank you so much for this chance to win xx
26 July 2012 at 12:12
- Sazzle said...
A year passes so fast in the craft world doesn't it?
Congratulations and here's to many more :-)
xx Sazzle xx -
26 July 2012 at 17:55
- Meggi Bischoff said...
halli-hallo liebe hazel,
was für ein toller erfolg, erst 1 jahr das blog und schon 530 leser.
aber es ist keine wunder, so schön wie dieses blog ist.
habe dich gerade in meiner sitebar verlinkt und werde mich jetzt auch als leser eintragen.
weietrhin alles liebe und gute.
glg meggi -
27 July 2012 at 06:39
- JennyH said...
Wow what a gorgeous pack of goodies, thank you for the chance to win : )
I am a new follower, your work is beautiful......and I love your adorable Winston : )
Happy 1st Blogaversary!! -
27 July 2012 at 17:26
- Hannetta said...
Hi! Would like to join you with great great pleasure! Sincerely, Anna
Here is your post in my blog -
28 July 2012 at 13:58
- Andrea said...
wow what an excellent candy congratulation on your anniversary I have been following your blog since I started blogging and card making earlier this year..I have no were near as many followers or as talented !....,what a great site thank you for offering the chance to win such amazing goodies
x -
29 July 2012 at 16:03
- Neia Ribeiro said...
Parabéns.pelo seu blog estou contente em participar.
Seguidora: Valdineia Anselmo
Divulgando no blog:
Obrigado pela chance!!!! -
29 July 2012 at 21:22
- isi said...
Happy one year old! Your idea is very noble and wonderful! I would be happy if I win your prizes!
30 July 2012 at 12:37
- Urška said...
Congratulations, your cards are perfect.
30 July 2012 at 12:57
- UNA CHECHI said...
Hello, from Peru, congratulation on your anniversary, my email is:
Hola, soy de Peru, esta muy bonito tu sorteo, lleve el logo a mi blog, muchos exitos. -
31 July 2012 at 02:04
Desiree said...
Hi Hazel,
many congrats on your first year and I'm looking forward to your 2nd! Sorry I can't link back to you as with 8 kids and 2 jobs I just don't have time to blog! My morning 20 min browse of other people's blogs over a cup of coffee is my little bit of 'me' time! -
31 July 2012 at 07:42
- isi said...
The idea to share with someone that is very noble treasure! I hope you choose me I wish you many creative successes and wonderful summer ...
31 July 2012 at 08:39
- isi said...
I have a problem with placing the comment ... I hope that this will not affect the assessment ...
31 July 2012 at 08:43
- CJ said...
Hi Hazel,
Congrats on your first year. Awesome candy... I wish I win.... -
31 July 2012 at 10:06
- Unknown said...
Olá Hazel
Lindos trabalhos, já sou seguidora...
Parabéns pelo blog e obrigada pela oportunidade.
Abraços -
31 July 2012 at 16:29
- June Ballenger said...
Congratulations on your first year. I do not have a blog but love to follow blogs. Your blog is on my favourites list. Thanks for the chance. Keep up the good work
31 July 2012 at 17:23
- Sybille Engbers said...
Congrat on your blogging anniversary.
A great candy and I try it :o)
Hugs Bille -
31 July 2012 at 21:35
Beayond yummi!! I have linked up in my sidebar :) Have a fabulous day!!
Good afternoon Hazel,
Firstly I would like to say your new blog page looks lovely..
Happy Blogging Birthday to you!!
Thanks for the chance of winning this amazing candy..
Hugs Kelly
Wow- another great gift! I'll get a picture on my blog ASAP,
Thanks ever so much for the chance to win,
Rebecca x x x
Hi Hazel, love the new look Blog and your candy looks so tasty - you are very generous, thank you for the chance to win. By the way I am in awe of your colouring, it's always absolutely perfect.
Congratulations on a year!!! Fabulous candy :)
Congrat Hanzel on your blogging anniversary!!! The candy is amazing. Thank you for the chance to win it!
Hugs, Barbara gr
Hi Hazel
Congratulations on the anniversary. It's a super blog with some really fantastic creations. Well done and of course many thanks for the chance to win this fab candy xx
Congratulations on your 1 year Hazel, thanks for the chance to win your candy.
Pat xx
Thanks for the chance to win such lush candy. Happy blogaversry. Will link on my sidebar when on laptop.
WOW Hazel, that is such a wonderful selection of goodies, you are very generous, just off to put a picture on my sidebar now
Hugs Sue
Happy Blogger Birthday! Love the new look blog. Very generous candy, I have to say! Will add link to my blog if I can figure out how (may need instructions ;-))
Toodle Pip
Fiona xx
Hi Hazel!
Happy 1st Blog Birthday!! the rest will all fly by now lol Thanks so much for a chance to enter for this fabby candy :) I have added it to my sidebar.
Fiona L x
Congrats! Thank you for the candy and hope you had a great time this year:D
HUGE congrats on reaching your wonderful first milestone sweetie.
It's a lovely feeling isn't it? Smiles.
Hugs to you.
What's a fabulous candy Hazel:)If I can partecipate...thanks a lot for the chance to win:)
Big hug,
Hi Hazel, congratulations on your first year blogging!! Here's to many more...
Thanks so much for the chance to win some lovely candy
hugs Vicky x x x
Wow Happy One Year Blogaversary Hazel. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun! Thanks for the chance to win some gorgeous candy! xx
Congratulations! Keep going like this! And such a lovely candy! :)
Happy Blogday and thank you for the chance to win this fab candy. I have added a piccy to my sidebar.
Good evening Hazel,
Happy Blogging Birthday to you!
Thanks for the chance of winning this fab candy.
hugs, Helena
Gorgeous candy Hazel, thanks so much for an opportunity to win. Congratulations on your blogs 1st birthday.
Caz x
Happy blogaversary! Wow! It goes so quickly! Thank you for the chance to win your yummy candy!
Wendy x
Happy Blogging Birthday to You! My best wishes to You!
Happy Blogging Birthday to You! My best wishes to You!
Hi Hazel you are so generous , your candy looks fantastic thank you for the chance Hugs Elaine
Congratulations to your blogaversary dear Hazel !!!
Thanks indeed for the chance to win your yummy candy...
Big hugs,
Hi again Hazel,
How wonderful and how generous. This is beautiful candy and a fabulous way to celebrate your first year anniversary. Keep up the good work because this is a lovely blog to visit.
Hugs Linda x
Happy 1st Blog Birthday, wishing you many many more, keep the gorgeous work coming. janex
félicitation et très heureux anniversaire pour ton blog Hazel et très jolie ta nouvelle déco, biz
congrats on y our first year!! I am already a follower Hazel and have added your candy to my side bar. Thanks for the chance to win such yummy goodies x
Happy first Blog birthday Hazel x x Your work is a pleasure to look and and your blog a joy to follow !!
happy first blogoversary Hazel - you really are an inspiration! Big Hugs rachel xx
Woohoo!! Happy blogaversary to yoo-hoo! Very generous have the best taste....haaaa!
wow congrats sweetie and thankyou for the chance of this stunning prize xx
Hi Hazel, Such a great candy ans I love to play along :D I love your coloringtechnique! Hugs, Karin
huge congratulations on your blogaversary and wow to your fantastic candy, I have been a follower for a while and have posted it on my sidebar...thanks for the chance to win
Mina xxx
Congratulations Hazel on one fantastic year! I so love to see all that you share! I pray you have a wonderful day!
Happy Blogaversary Hazel!!! I have been a follower for some time and i always enjoy visiting and getting inspired by your creativity!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win such a beautiful prize!
Oh my gracious what gorgeous candy! Thanks so much for offering this in celebration of your blogaversary Hazel. Here's to another happy year of blogging! Hugs!
Happy blogaversary Hazel :) Here's to many more years of your blog, I love seeing your fabulous creations :) Your new blog header is lovely too :)
Thanks for the chance to win!
Tags xx
congrats on 1 year and many more to come, thanks for the chance to win posted to my blog
thank you for candy!
Congratulations on your blogaversary Helen. Great candy, thank you for the chance. Have posted on my blog.
Pam x
Thanks so much for the chance to win this fab candy Hazel. I am already a follower but I have posted a pic on my sidebar xx
hiya sweetie
congrats on your one year blogging sweetie, and thank you so much for a chance to win this huge prize hunni
i've a candy running to, come and enter, it's a suprise for now, LOL
hugs angelique
Firstly a big CONGRATS on your one year anniversary!!
And wowwww what fab blog candy.... but it's really a pleasure to follow your blog.... your cards are an inspiration always and I look forward to each visit!
Christine x
Congratulations! year is a lot! I wish success and inspiration!
Happy blogiversary, congratulations on your milestone.
happy anniversary to you!
Hi Hazel
Congrats on the your bloganniversary. thanks for the chance to win
wowwwww what a fab candy Hazel, would like a chance on this one, entered the blue frog and put your candy in my sidebar. Hugs, Marion
What a wonderful blog candy :) Just want to thank you for all the inspiration you give!
Congratulations on your Blogaversary, thank you for the chance to win such beautiful candy.
Kim xx
Hi Hazel, I'm your old follower.......Congratulations on your Year old the new look Blog and your big & sweet candy looks so tasty as your work....... Thank you for the chance to win amazing candy!!!!!
Happy 1st Blogoversary Hazel and thanks for the chance to win such awesome candy!
Helen x
Happy blogoversery. What a great way to celebrate.
Thanks for a chance to win. Love you blog also so I'll be back
Congratulations Hazel !!
Only a year???
I would think longer because of all your beautiful creations. I am impressed!!
You give away a very, very , very nice candy!!
Thank you !
I am going to join.
Lovely regards
Happyyyyy Blogaversaryyyyyyy :) am so glad I found your blog... your creations are just so inspiring... I know where to look when my creativity is lacking.... you have an excellent eye for combining everything from colour to embellishments & to say its your '1st' anniversary... WOW... look at the followers so far.... that just says it all I reckon ;) hehehe
I have added a pic of the candy to my sidebar with a link & a message & I just want to say 'WOW... how generous & kind of you to offer something to us when its your special occassion :) Thank you for the opportunity to have a chance to win such fabulous candy... I wish everyone the best of luck & I hope you continue creating much more AWE INSPIRING work :)'
love n hugz Angie xXx
Happy Blog-Day Hazel!!! I've popped you in the right side bar on my blog. I come visit when I can because your projects and creations are so very, very gorgeous hugs Karen x
Oi Hazel!!!
Conheci o seu blog e amei os seus trabalhos. Obrigada pela oportunidade de participar desse maravilhoso doce. Coloquei na barra lateral do meu blog direcionando para o seu.
Wow Hazel its amazing hunnie!! I think I would have died and gone to heaven to win something like this, thanks so much for the chance huggies June xxxxx oops ive linked you to mysidebar darl thanks xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Conheci seu blog através da minha Amiga Edilza.
Estou seguindo, admirando seu lindo e inspirador trabalho.
Vou adorar também participar do seu maravilhoso sorteio.
Já postei na barra lateral direcionando para o seu.
Fique com Deus, sucesso com seu sorteio.
Conheci seu blog atraves da minha amiga Edilza e amei seus trabalhos!!!! Parabéns pelo aniversário!!!!
Obrigada pela oportunidade de participar dese lindo doce!!! Beijos!!!
Conheci seu blog atraves da minha amiga Edilza e amei seus trabalhos!!!! Parabéns pelo aniversário!!!!
Obrigada pela oportunidade de participar dese lindo doce!!! Beijos!!!
Hi Hazel, huge congratulations on your 1st blogaversary. I thought I was already following you but I am now hun. Your work is fab. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful candy.
Hugs Sue W.
Happy Blogaversary Hazel. AWESOME candy to celebrate!! Thanks so much for the chance. You are so generous.
Hugs, Rosalee
Congratulations on your anniversary!
I just became a follower of your blog. Thanks for the chance :)
Hi Hazel,
Congratulations to your blogaversary and thank you so much for offering this gorgeous candy.
Hugs, Anja
Поздравляю с годовщинкой! И пускай вдохновение тебя не покидает!
Congrats on your blog the new page..great blog candy and thanks for giving us the chance to win it
Happy Blog anniversary hunny! with lots of fabulous posts! always entertaining and inspirational... LOVE your style and so kind to offer such an awesome candy too! keep my little fingers crossed :)
hugs me xx
Everyone loves candy! It's on my blog.
Happy Anniversary Hazel, love the header of your blog... looks fabulous. You know I love your work. Wishing you many more happy anniversaries dear. hugs Sharon xx
Hi Hazel,
Congrats on your 1st blogaversary!
I really love to visit your blog, your cards are always so beautiful and your coloring is fabulous!
Hope to enjoy much more years of your work.
And what a great candy!
Love, Liselot
loving the new look blog - and such generous candy! congrats on your 'first birthday'!
Kim x
Hi Hazel,
This is just delightful candy Hazel. A very generous win for one of your loyal followers.
Thanks you so much for the chance to win.
Big Hugs Linda x
Hi Hazel,
Just found your blog from Totally Gorjuss. Love your work :) Congrats on your blog anniversary :) Anyway gotta go and look at some more of your designs. Keep up the great work :) Take care.
Hazel, this candy is so generous! How fabulous to have been blogging a year! I have been following you through your magazine articles, it feels so much longer! So lovely to have your beautiful cards online for inspiration!! Hugs, Wends xxxx
Hi Hazel - I've just found your blog, you have some really lovely work on it. Congratulations on your first year blogaversary. I am so envious because I haven't a clue how to even start a blog. Love your candy, how generous of you. Will be definitely following you from now on.
Hugs Sue P xx
congratulations hun, and it would be so rude not to help you celebrate :)
Hugs Kate xx
ps would you like to join my candy too :)
Congratulations on your first year! May there be many many more
Congratulations Hazel on your first year. Thank you for the chance to win such fabulous candy.
Hugs Debbie x
Congratulations on a wonderful first year. I can't believe how many followers you have. I haven't done as well. I'm glad I found you. Your cards are just beautiful. You're very talented.
Hi Hazel gorgeous thankyou for the chance of winning these beautiful goodies. Caroline xxx
Wow one year already..... Gongrats Hazel!!! Love to hop over every now and then... your creations are soooo gorgeous; love it!!!
Have a nice day...
p.s. Since I'm living in the Netherlands I won't be joining your candy.... although it's a lovely one!
Good luck
Happy Blogaversary!!!! Such lovely candy, thanks for the chance to win x
Hi Hazel, I've been watching your work for some time, I do not know how I've missed to follow your blog, but now it's official! Thanks for this generous candy!
Congrats Hazel on your 1 yr of blogging.
Such Gorgeous candy, thanks for the chance of winning x
hugs sally x
Hi, Hazel!!
It's always good to have an blog aniversary!! congrats!!!
I've add it on my blog:
Thanks for this chance to win!!
genial muchas felicidades!!!! por favor cuenta conmigo seria un gusto enorme ganar unos presentes tan lindos gracias por la oportunidad y saludos :)
Congrats on your anniversary! I stumbled upon your blog and think your cards are wonderful. Love your layering, and colour combinations. I'm delighted to become a follower. Thanks for the chance to win your great candy stash.
Oh Hazel, I want to jump up and down just thinking about all of these goodies. Thank you so much for your generosity in offering a chance. Congratulations and Happy Blogaversary, sweetie.
I added the candy to my blog and I was already a follower.
Thank you so much for the chance to win your amamzing candy Hazel..
Congratulations on your first year..
Congratulations Hazel on your first year. Thanks for the chance to win some yummy candy.
Congrats Hazel thanks so much for all of your inspiration!
Hi Happy First Bloganaversary ! It is such a special time Well Done ! Many more years of happy crafting Blogging to You ! Candy is so wonderful ! Thanks for the opportunity ;0)
Happy Blogaversary !! Woohoo :)
The giveaway is lovely... Thank you for this chance ^^
Hugs Rebecca
Hi Hazel, Huge congratulations on your first blogaversary. Love your blog and your fab cards. Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous candy, so generous. We're all winners really with such great inspiration.
Hugs Sue W.
Congrats for birthday! I love your blog.
Hello Hazel, first happiness and success always comes with this beautiful gesture of giving away a sweet so beautiful, congratulations!And I am also very happy to be able to share that moment and join your blog, I liked what I saw, and Yes I'm your follower!Thank you very much for the opportunity and even more!
Congratulations on becoming ONE! Thank you so much for your kind words, encouragement and support when I was just starting out on the blog journey myself. You are a Star. Keep making your gorgeous cards.
Happy 1st year blogaversary - can't wait to see what you'll do next :o)
Happy Aniversary Hazel! Gosh where has this past year gone! What a lovely candy you are offering too, so very generous and so yummy! Enjoy your weekend, Judy x
Hi my dear Hazel !
Thanks for this chance to win and of course, I published a link to you candy on my blog ;-))))
Have a good day and, yeah, happy anniversary ;-)))
Congrats hun - I bet you can't believe it's gone so fast.
Congratulations on your one year! Hope you have many more. I just found you through another friend of mine, what gorgeous work you do.
I'm proof that your followers' network is working! I saw a picture on another's site and clicked through and boy I'm glad! I love your cards. A very happy 1st blogversary!
Hi Hazel
Congrats on the your blog anniversary. thanks for the chance to win
hugs Kaz.xx
hi... congrats on your blog anniversary,,...thankyou very much for your reply... and giving me a chance...:)
Doh!! used the wrong picture. congrats on your blogaversary!! Off to put a linky on my blog xxx
Happy Blogaversary Hazel! How exciting to reach 1 year of crafty blogging :)) and your candy is superb - great way to celebrate this happy occasion! I'm already a follower and I put a piccie of you candy in my Blog Candy Cauldron linky. Thank you for a chance to win! xx
Congratulations Hazel !!!!!
Wow Happy One Year Blogaversary to You. I just celebrated mine a few days back & I know exactly how You feel. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun! Thanks for the chance to win some gorgeous candy!I'm your new Follower here & have posted about the candy on the sidebar of my Blog.
Congratulations Hazel, thanks so much for the wonderful opportunity to win your gorgeous candy. Have popped the link on my side bar.
Laura xx
Happy Blogoversary!
Thanks so much for a chance to win this candy.
Happy blogoversery. Great candy!!!
Thanks for a chance to win.
I am your follower and I added this link on my sidebar
Val Rodrigues
Congratulayion Hazel!
Thanks for sponsoring this wonderful opportunity. Off to follow you now and load your sidebar.
thank you for the chance to win this sweet candy!
Heaney xx
Спасибо за замечательный блог и конфетку!!!
Happy Blogversary, can't believe that you have been blogging for a year...Awsome candy!..Heres to another year!...
hugz Kath...xx...
Congrats on your blog birthday :-). Gorgeous blog candy, thanks so much for the chance to win! Hugs Ann xxx
Happy Blogaversary Hazel and thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous candy, someone is going to be very lucky.
Wendy xx
Hello there! Congrats to youre 1 year!!
What a lovely blog you have!
Have a great day!
Hugs MAlin
You are one generous lady.Congratulations on your 1 year blogaversary.Thank you for the chance to win these amazing goodies.Hugs Debbie x
Congratulations on your 1st year.
Cheers for letting us crafters join in the fun of your candy. Cheers Sue N x
Hello hull
thankyou for offering such a sweet candy
really generous on your part
congrats for completion of an year
thankyou again
i m ur new stalker + added the picture to my sidebar
Congrats on your blogaversary! What a lovely candy! I'll keep my fingers crossed! Hugs, Ani
Congratulations on your 1 year blogaversary and thank you for the chance to win this candy. I must say that your work is absolutely gorgeus.
Congratulations on your 1 year blogaversary and thank you for the chance to win this candy.
Congratulations on your 1 year blogaversary and thank you for the chance to win this candy.
Hi Hazel
A very haprry blogging birthday. Great candi. Keep up the good work.
Happy blogaversary! Thanks for giving us the chance to win your wonderful candy and congratulations on your first year
Lindsay xx
It's a great giveaway!!Thanks for the chance to win so yummy candy.
Oh My God, this candy is so so great! Thank you so much fir the chance to win it.
Thanks for the chance to win so yummy candy!!
Que belos presentes. Você é muito generosa.
Obrigada pela chance de ganhá-los.
Coloquei na lateral do meu blog
Estou seguindo este lindo blog.
Um grande abraço
Reny Gomes
I love your color choices, and very much appreciate the sketches and information about what you used. Mine don't pop outlike yours do so i appreciate the info on what you used. happy birthday i am going to try to put you on my facebook. while there, check out our scrap deals yard sale page FACEBOOK MARIANNE CRIST
congratulations on your first year and fantastic card candy just off to post ink on my blog
carol x
Congratulations on your first blog anniversary!
I have watched your blog through with great pleasure. Your cards are so kind and colorful! I like your works so much that I've become your follower.
Thanks for the chance to win this magnificent, wonderful candy. I hope I'm lucky enough to win!
Irina D.
P.S. - I put the link with picture on the left sidebar (WONDERFUL BLOGAVERSARY CANDY BY HAZEL).
Nice blog and candy too !
Очень хочется выиграть конфету вашу:)
Happy one year blogaversary!! (a little late) That is so exciting! I can't believe how many followers you have! I have been blogging for about 5 months and I only have 22 followers. Thank you for sharing your awesome talent and this candy!
congratulations on ur first yr...wud love to win this huge candy:)i put the picture on my sidebar...
congratulations on completing ur first year... wud love to win ur huge candy:)posted ur link to my blog sidebar..
congrats n all the best..
Wow, I just somehow found your blog and am I glad I did. Your creations are just beautiful. I am amazed at the candy yu are giving away. Congrats on the first anniversary. I have your candy on my blog side bar...cheers, luv annie
Congratulations on your 1st year!
I've been blogging longer and just learnt today how to do the blog candy! When i learn how to hold one i will. Thanks x
Hello Hazel,
Happy Blogging Birthday to you! Thanks for the chance of winning this amazing candy.
Happy Blogoversary! Very beautiful cards and coloring on the summit :)
Thanks so much for a chance to win this candy.
Hugs from Ukraine
Awesome candy! Thanks for giving me the chance!
Hugs from Hilde
thank you so much for this chance to win xx
A year passes so fast in the craft world doesn't it?
Congratulations and here's to many more :-)
xx Sazzle xx
halli-hallo liebe hazel,
was für ein toller erfolg, erst 1 jahr das blog und schon 530 leser.
aber es ist keine wunder, so schön wie dieses blog ist.
habe dich gerade in meiner sitebar verlinkt und werde mich jetzt auch als leser eintragen.
weietrhin alles liebe und gute.
glg meggi
Wow what a gorgeous pack of goodies, thank you for the chance to win : )
I am a new follower, your work is beautiful......and I love your adorable Winston : )
Happy 1st Blogaversary!!
Hi! Would like to join you with great great pleasure! Sincerely, Anna
Here is your post in my blog
wow what an excellent candy congratulation on your anniversary I have been following your blog since I started blogging and card making earlier this year..I have no were near as many followers or as talented !....,what a great site thank you for offering the chance to win such amazing goodies
Parabéns.pelo seu blog estou contente em participar.
Seguidora: Valdineia Anselmo
Divulgando no blog:
Obrigado pela chance!!!!
Happy one year old! Your idea is very noble and wonderful! I would be happy if I win your prizes!
Congratulations, your cards are perfect.
Hello, from Peru, congratulation on your anniversary, my email is:
Hola, soy de Peru, esta muy bonito tu sorteo, lleve el logo a mi blog, muchos exitos.
Hi Hazel,
many congrats on your first year and I'm looking forward to your 2nd! Sorry I can't link back to you as with 8 kids and 2 jobs I just don't have time to blog! My morning 20 min browse of other people's blogs over a cup of coffee is my little bit of 'me' time!
The idea to share with someone that is very noble treasure! I hope you choose me I wish you many creative successes and wonderful summer ...
I have a problem with placing the comment ... I hope that this will not affect the assessment ...
Hi Hazel,
Congrats on your first year. Awesome candy... I wish I win....
Olá Hazel
Lindos trabalhos, já sou seguidora...
Parabéns pelo blog e obrigada pela oportunidade.
Congratulations on your first year. I do not have a blog but love to follow blogs. Your blog is on my favourites list. Thanks for the chance. Keep up the good work
Congrat on your blogging anniversary.
A great candy and I try it :o)
Hugs Bille
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