
Monday 30 April 2012

100 + Followers Blog Candy

Hello to You All

Well here it is - the much anticipated blog candy to say a great big "THANK YOU" and to celebrate my 100 + followers.

I have purchased the above items from the fabulous Jill at The Hobby House who kindly arranged and photographed this blog candy for me (thank you Jill), and if you haven't already checked out her new web site then you can find it here.  Jill has spent quite a bit of time pulling together a new web site for us all to drool over and the job of getting every picture uploaded takes its time, but my oh my it is worth it - make sure you keep checking back for updates every now and then.

Now this is the first time I have ever posted candy so I hope this all works out okay.  To be in with a chance to win, you will need to become a follower, post a picture of my candy in your side bar with a link back to my blog, enter your name below and finally leave me a comment and that's it.  Please only follow me if you like my work and not just for the candy.

For those overseas followers - I will post this candy worldwide so please make sure you enter.

This candy will close at the end of April and I will draw a winner on 1st May 2012.  Good luck to you all and thank you again for your continued support.

Hazel xx


1 – 200 of 245   Newer›   Newest»
Tanya said...

Congrats on 100 followers Hazel, thanks for the chance to win :)

Tags xx

Carol said...

Gorgeous candy Hazel! Congrats on over 100 followers and thanks for the chance to win. Carol x

Elaine said...

Hi Hazel...I guessed it was you when Jill said Hazel from Hull!! And I drooled over the goodies Jill was picking out, it's a beautiful candy and one that I would enter myself..but I think it unfair since I bought all the same things while I was there, but I will give you a shout out when I post next.
Hubby has (cos it's not mine!) a CI Riviera 181 so Phils says you must work for Autotrail if you work in Grimsby and by the way...he's trying to find a new washroom sink ha!

Love Elaine xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Hazel thanks for the chance to win the most beautiful blog candy. Hugs xxcaraxx

Ali said...

Congrats on all your follwers - thanks fro the chance to win - that candy looks scrummy xx

Teresa said...

Hello Hazel,
Thanks for offering this gorgeous candy, I am already a follower and will pop you in my sidebar shortly. I must take a little look at Jill's blog too. Hope you have a Happy Easter, hugs Teresa xx

mags said...

Lovely candy Hazel. I am already a follower and have put piccie in my sidebar. thanks for the chance to win.

marion said...

Jummy Candy Hazel ! Thanks for a chance of winning this. Congrats on your 100+ followers. Hugs, Marion

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy.

Lisa Jane said...

Couldn't resist entering your candy Hazel it looks gorgeous ... so pretty .
Congratulations on your 100 followers . I love popping by for a catch up and to see your fab creations..
Have a wonderful Easter weekend
Lisa x

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Congrats on 100 followers Hazel! Your creations are always so beautiful so I know your followers are never disappointed! I have put the picture in my sidebar and thanks for the chance to win some delicious candy hugs Susan x

Naomi Johnson said...

Hazel, thank you so much for becoming a follower of my little spot on the web and your lovely comments on my latest card. I have come over to see you and to become a follower in return. Your cards are inspirational and oh so very beautiful. I will add your candy to my sidebar to spread the news of your blog to others. Best wishes, Naomi x

Karen said...

Gorgeous candy Hazel, thanks for the chance to win. Lovely cards too!


rachel said...

Hiya Hazel - your candy looks amazing! Thanks for the chance to win - I'll post your candy to my sidebar and backlink to here - I'm sure your number of followers will double pretty quickly!!! Hugs ....and have a fabulous Easter - and thanks for all of your kind words! Rachel xx

Danielle said...

Such fabulous candy to share Hazel - thank you for the chance to win!
Hugs, Danielle

Ani said...

Hi Hazel! Thank you for your nice comment on my blog! And thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy! Ani

Diane Louise J said...

Thanks for the chance to win your lovely candy and congrats on your 100 followers.
Always enjoy visiting your blog. Love Diane x

Sharon said...

Congratulations Hazel on your first 100 followers. I am sure there will still be many more. You are so talented and your work is just stunning. Fabulous candy on offer. Good luck to all! I am off to pay that website a visit. hugs Sharon xx

Mo said...

Congratulations dear Hazel to your 100+ Followers and thanks indeed for the chance to win your GREAT candy...!!!
Happy Easter and big hugs

Shirley said...

Just found your blog and have become a follower. Would also like to thank you for a chance to win the candy.
Shirley xx

Jo Grason said...

congratulations on 100+ followers, your cards are absolutely gorgeous :) thanks for the chance to win xxx

Happy Crafter said...

Congratulations Hazel, love your beautiful blog and creations, your candy is so yummy i could not resist entering Thank you so much :)
Hugzz Val xx

karen said...

Hazel I am actually drooling, wow amazing candy, thanks for chance to win. Already a follower of your gorgeous work,hugs, Karenxx

Wendy said...

Congrats on your 100 + followers Hazel,all your creations are so gorgeous and what fab candy,thanks for the chance to win, someone is going to be very lucky, so many gorgeous things to play with...Happy Easter.
Wendy xx

Vicky said...

Lovely blog :) Your cards are really beautiful, thanks for the inspiration. Also thanks for the chance to win this great candy,

hugs Vicky x x x

Betty said...

Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I love all your creations and thank you for the chance to win this great candy. This is first time I've put a pic in my sidebar took me all evening to find out how. Hope I got it right

Margaret said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog and for your kind comment. Thank you also for the chance to win some yummy candy. I am already a follower.
Margaret M

Anonymous said...

Awesome Candy Hazel and very kind of you to offer all that scrummy yummi sweet sugar free RUSH! LOVE the look of it all off to look at The Hobby House! but just Hope I am lucky! Thanks for the chance! you know I am already one of your followers tehhehhee Hugs me xx


Hi Hazel - huge congratulations on reaching 100 followers, and thank you for offering the chance to win such fab. candy. I am already a follower, and will pop the details in my sidebar.

Have a happy Easter weekend - Sylvia x

Mina said...

wow wow wow lush candy Hazel, thanks for the chance to win...I was on Jill new site today, fantastic new design
Mina xxx

Franjopani said...

Hi Hazel, Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog and for following me. Your blog is lovely - I have just started following you as well. Thank you also for the chance to win such lovely candy x joy

Sassy Scrapper said...

Hi Hazel thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such wonderful comments. I'm so glad you did it totally made my day and now your a following which adds to the joy. I poked around a bit in your blog and your an amazing artist and also have some fabulous candy to offer. I am now one of your newest followers and look forward to getting to know you and seeing your future projects.
hugs Bonnie

Sassy Scrapper said...

I'm sorry I'd forgotten to congratulate you on your over 400 followers. Congratulations!!!!! This candy is super beautiful totally shabby chic which is what I really really love. Thanks for your generous gift to share your celebration! If I don't talk to you sooner have a wonderful Easter with your family and loved ones.
Hugs Bonnie

Crafting Diva said...

Wow wow what a wonderful candy prize and a big congrats on the 100+ followers I can see why you have so many your blog is great. I have joined and added a link/picture on my blog please feel free to join me and thanks for the chance to win.
hugs from Diva

Carol Willis said...

Oooh, gorgeous candy Hazel, thanks for the opportunity to win.
Caz x

mueppi said...

Good morning Hazel
what a wonderful candy!!!!!!
Thank you for the chance to win!
I wish you a lovely easter weekend!
Hugs Gisela

downrightcrafty said...

congratulations and I have seen these gorgeous items in Jill's shop and some one is going to be very lucky to win these, good luck everyone
Hugs Kate x

CraftyLisa said...

Hi Hazel, I'm a new follower and new to blogging, I love your blog and thanks for this, I hope I have done it right. x

Misu said...

Wow, thank you to win a sweet candy.

Rosalee said...

You are so generous to be offering this wonderful candy Hazel. Congrats on reaching 100+ followers. Thanks for the chance
Hugs, Rosalee

Стю said...

Thanks for the chance!

♥Gemma♥ said...

Congrats on getting to 100+ followers hun..

Hazel these goodies are absolutely lush & i would love the chance to win them, Thanks you!
Also added the pic to my sidebar for you, to help spread the word :D
hugs and xxx

Carole of Brum said...

Well done on making the 100 followers milestone, Hazel, I'm not surprised you got there.

what a gorgeous and generous candy, thanks for the chance to win it. I've put your photo on my sidebar, I'm sure you'll get loads of interest.

happy easter!


Regena said...

What yummy candy!! thats so sweet of u..thanks for sharing..linked it on my sidebar.and became a follower

Carole said...

The big 100, well done Hazel! Lovely & generous candy, mt fingers are crossed

Happy crafting
Carole xXx

chrissy xx said...

Mmmmm Yummy...Thank you for the chance..
Have linked you up..
Happy Easter.

Kim Dibben said...

Thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog, I traced you back and have had a look at the lovely creations on your blog, and have now become a follower. Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful candy.
Kim xx

Sazzle said...

I've justed bumped your followers up to 158 - WOW!!!! ust spent a while looking through your blog and am truely inspired and will certainly be popping back and have adding you to my ever increasing list of talented ladies :-)

xx Happy crafting and glittery hugs xx


Luanne said...

HI Hazel, Congratulations on having 100+ followers on your blog. I am your new follower and thank you for the chance.
I will be checking more of your posts.


KellysKards said...

Hi Hazel, your cards are great, I love the just for Ewe one. Congrats on 100+ followers and thank you so much for the chance to win this candy.

MontanA said...

Good morning Hazel.
What a wonderful candy! Thank you for the chance to win this gorgeous candy.
Happy Ester

Lorraine said...

congrats on over 100 followers hun not long till it will be 200,candy is so beautiful i would love to win thanks for the chance huni xx

Fabiola said...

félicitation pour tout ces membres, c'est amplement mérité, j'aimerais participer a ton candy, biz

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Congrats on your followers, I have posted your picture and link in my sidebar and am already a follower, thanks for giving us the chance to win your fab candy
Lindsay xx

Jessica said...

Congratulations on your followers, and thank you for the chance to win this beautiful candy :)
I am now one of your over hundred followers, and i must say that i adore youre beautiful creations!

Happy Easter!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on reaching 100 followers! Love your beautiful cards, great textures on them all. Thanks for the chance to win great candy :)

Maria Therese said...

Poppin over from my sweet friend Elaine ♥ Will go become a follower at once as I love your blog! And will come back to link up your candy in my blog tomorrow ♥

lis-m said...

hi Hazel, you must just be down the road from me... I am now a follower..thanks for the chance to win a stunning candy.. congrats on 100 followers

Hugs xx

Yvonne said...

Thanks to Elaine I arrived on your blog, I think your cards are gorgeous! You're sketches are great. So from now on I will follow you!
hugs Yvonne

Amanda R said...

Hi Hazel, Elaine also sent me to your blog and your work is just darling. Love your kitty too! Thanks for offering such awesome candy!

angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
i just found your blog sweetie, and what a gorgeous cards you make hunni, i become a follower right away, and thank you so much for a chance to win this gorgeous candy, if only i could be so lucky, not, hihihihiihhihih
i've linked to my sidebar sweetie
hugs angelique

Lisa said...

Hi Hazel, Thanks for the chance to win this stunning candy :-)

Lisa x

Fiona said...

wow Hazel...jest popped over from the lovely Elaine's blog, she said you had gorgeous they are lovely.

That candy looks so lush and I have never seen that kind before...thanks for the chance to win.


Annacarin said...

Hi Hazel!
Thank you for sweet words on my blog!
Congrats on having +100 followers!!
well... You have wonderful creations on your blog :D
I have now become a follower. Thanks for the chance to win a great candy!
Hugs Annacarin

Isha Gupta said...

Congratulations Hazel. Love your coloring and the blog. I am a new follower.

alethea said...

Congrats on your 100 followers Hazel! I'm sure you'll have many more soon!! Thanks for a chance to win this fab candy!! HUgsxx

Rachel F said...

congratulations! I too am a new follower have just found your blog - fantastic work. Now I am off to check out your old posts :-)

Bhawana said...

Congratulations for having 100+ followers and wish you many more to come. You are offering a beautiful candy. I love those adhesive pearls. Fingers crossed.. :).

Tracy said...

Hi Hazel! I popped over here from Elaine's after reading her post on your candy. I figured if she was bragging on you then you must be a pretty an awesome card maker. I'm surely not disappointed in what I see here on your blog. Looking forward to seeing more of your work. Love your Saturated Canary cards especially. :-) I have you all linked up on my blog. Thanks so much for a chance at this yumminess. Hugs!

Chrissy said...

Beautiful candy Hazel, gorgeous, thank you so much for the chance to win...


Sharon B said...

Hi Hazel, love your blog and many congrats on getting 100+ followers, may it continue to grow! Thanks for the chance to win your wonderful blog candy.

crafty hugs

Pamela said...

Your cards are stunning Hazel. Great candy and thank you
for the chance.

Pam x

Christine L said...

Hi Hazel

I don't normally join blogs when I see candy advertised on someone else's blog... (i think it's a tad mercenary..) But I hopped over here after seeing your blog shout out on Elaine's....... and WOWWW I have to say that I love your cards.... particularly your Saturated Canaries!! Your colouring is absolutely superb... and I look forward to seeing your future creations.... and I've definitely joined because I love your work - the chance of the candy is just an added bonus! I've added a couple of your cards to my 'inspiration' folder too!
Big hugs from a fellow Yorkshire resident...
Christine x

Else Slipsager said...

Congratulation on your 100+ follows. I'm so glad I found your blog, love your cards. Thanks for the oppotunity to win such a wounderfull blog candy.
Hugs from Denmark

Anonymous said...

I also hopped over from Elaine's and became a follower as your cards are absolutely fabulous. Thanks for the chance to win the yummy candy, and it's also nice to see a fellow crafter from Hull.
Hugs Sharon said...

Hi Hazel, My name is Karin and I visit your blog when I was visiting Eline's blog. I love to play along with your candy and congrat you with your alomst 200 followers! I have looked at your creations and I like your style That's the reason I became a new follower of your blog. I hope to see lots and lots of great creations!! Hugs, Karin

Minidoe said...

Hi Hazel!!! I'm Sara and I'm italian. I love very much the colors of your blog and your works are faboulous!!! thank you for this fantastic candy and the possibility to win this prize!!!

tilly said...

I am very pleased that Elaine pointed me in the direction of your blog, what a super inspiration, I have become a follower and hope to be back very soon
Tilly Trotter

Christine said...

Hi Jill thank you so much for a chance of this yummy candy.. were nearly neighbours I'm further up the coast in Filey.

smiles Christine x

Shazza said...

gorgeous candy. Was directed here by Elaine, am now a follower, your cards look fabulous!!

Anne said...

I arrived from Gem's Little Creations and it was well worth the visit. Your cards are beautiful and I'm now a follower.
Anne x

Anonymous said...

Wow...Hatzel, you are amazingly generous in your fabulous give-away. Thanks for the chance to win soooo yummy candy!

Marion said...

Hi Hazel,
This is a wonderful candy and thank you for the opportunity to enter. Hope you have had a wonderful Easter weekend.

Liz's creative corner said...

Hi Hazel I'm sorry hun but I've only just found your blog, will be back though, thanks for the chance of your lovely candy, hugs Liz xx

Nat said...

Congratulations on 100 followers Hazel, I love your work. I especially like how you did the sheep's wool on your 'Just for Ewe' card. Thanks for the chance to win your yummy candy. Natx

Crafteezee said...

Hi, just popped over from Elaine's blog, fabulous candy and I love your work so am happy to become a follower. I also have just put Candy on my blog if you'd like to hop over to me.
Hugs Tracy x

Tkat said...

hi there! i've a new follower of your blog and i've added your candy to my blog sidebar. head on over to my blog...i'm offering a small candy as well :)

fionalawlor said...

Hi Hazel!
I was about to say Congrats on 100+ followers when I noticed that it is now 200+ followers!! Yay! Congratulations and thanks so much for a chance to enter for this gorgeous candy :) I have added it to my sidebar.
Fiona L x

Kat said...

Wow Hazel, what fantastic candy. I love Hobby House pearls etc, they have such beautiful colours. I'm off to post a pic on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win.

Kat xx

Eileen said...

What generous candy Hazel. I spent a lot of money with them at the Harrogate show.. worth every penny.
Eileen x

Annie said...

Gorgeous Candy, and so generous! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Hugs Ann x

Casper said...

Amazing, Congrats on your 100+ and all the extra little
followers yo have above that too.

Of course your Candy is delctable and so scrummy.
May I also say that I love your cards and your style.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Good luck everyone.

Take care
Big Hugs

Fleur said...

WOW Hazel you have doubled your followers and then some! well deserved. Sorry it's taken me so long to pop over to you. Will definitly be popping by more. Gorgeous candy, thanks for the chance.
BIG HUGZ Fleur xXx

craftin-dawn said...

You have some gorgeous work here on your blog. I have become a follower and popped your link on my sidebar. I would love to see what you could do with some of Digi Darla's images, she has a couple freebies on her challenge blog HERE

Leanne said...

I'm the latest follower of your lovely blog & joined in the candy too.

Anreda said...

I've a new follower of your blog. I've added your candy to my blog sidebar. So now my fingers are crossed.
You make such great projects, i hope you can inspire me :)
Greetins Anreda

Ashley said...

My gosh those are such grogeous supplies, wish i had a store near by with that stuff!! Omgosh so have my fiingers crossed!!

Luciana Kajiura said...

Hi, I love your blog! I love stamps and cards. thank you for the wonderful candy.
Hugs from Brazil. Luciana.

Unknown said...

Hi Hazel firstly Congratulations on your 100 + + + followers :)
Thank you so so much for this chance to win your beautiful candy it is just so lovely and pretty!!!
Your Blog and creations are beautiful, I have added your pic with details and link back to you on my blog take care and thanks again...
Hugs Sarah x

Patty Sue 2 said...

What wonderful candy...I am so glad I found your blog....your work is lovely! I am studying your shading and it is fantastic. Congratulations on all your flollowers.

Neha Jain said...

hi hazel

This is neha from india
i am ur latest follower
thanks for chance to win

posted candy on sidebar
Steps Towards Crafting

Lin Monika said...

Hi Hazel!
This vas a lovely candy. Congratulations with 100 followers. "Just for Ewe" card is gorgeous. I started making cards in 2011 and have just started my blog. Hope I'm lucky!
Greetings from
Monika Lin

trish said...

Hi, just found your blog through Elaines one. This is new for me as i have just found out how to leave a comment. look forward to seeing all your cards, i managed to buy some of the Hobby House pearls at Papeterie two weeks ago, they are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Lovely blog and a great blog candy which I would love to win :) Feel free to join my candy as well if you like, it runs until Friday :) Have a great Wednesday. Best wishes from Norway :)

Nicole Doiron said...

I am a new follower of your blog, and i have to say that i am totally in love with your creations. The cards i've seen so far are all so pretty - you have a way with stamps that i cannot help but admire. Love all the little touches you add to your work with flowers and bling. I absolutely LOVE your 'Just for Ewe' card, among others! Thank you so much for sharing all that creativity with us and for the chance to win this generous prize! I added a picture of it in my blog sidebar :)

Людмила said...

Hi,Hazel!Congratulations on your first 100 followers.Your cards are really beautiful, thanks for the inspiration. Also thanks for the chance to win this great candy,

KandA said...

Congratulations on reaching 100+ followers - or should I say 200+ followers. It's a super blog and your cards are fabulous.
The candy is gorgous and it's so very generous of you.

Sonia said...

Hi Hazel,I will follow you willingly, I discovered by chance and immediately became your follower.I Your work is incredibly beautiful,compliments and thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy.

Snoopy said...

WOW! You're up to 231 followers! Woohoo for you! I hope your wonderful blog continues to attract many more followers. Your cards are so pretty! Keep up the great work!

Snoopy :D

P.S. Please consider me for your blog candy as well. Thanks. :D

Ladock girl said...

Hi Hazel, have just become a newbie to this blogging lark, and just found you, hope I am linking this candy to my blog properly, fingers crossed. Linda xxx

Кася said...

Your works are great! And Congratulations to you, you have 200+ followers!

Tina said...

beautiful blog happy to have found you candy was a bonus, thank you for the chance to win, posted to my blog and am a new follower...thank you

The Crafty Blonde said...

Gorgeous candy Hazel, thanks so much for the chance to win these scrummy goodies.
Lyndsey xx

Carole said...

Hi Hazel, I just love Hobby House goodies and those cute House Mouse images on your cards. I have been looking at your cards and must say they are fab ...i have made myself a follower and look forword to seeing the next card you post.

Carole x

Melanie-Jane said...

Oh what a great Candy. Thank you so much. I put it on my sidebard and am now a new follower. Had a look at your pretty creations, great inspiration. I also saw the copics storage cube with Vicky, hope I can get one ;0)
Wishing you a great weekend.
Greetings from Switzerland

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

Hi Hazel! Congratulations with 100 followers. Your works are very beautiful.
What a lovely candy, thanks for the chance to win.

Caz said...

Congrats on 100 followers..And brilliant candy...Thanx for chance to win..Have placed in sidebar..and im a follower..

Caz xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Hazel,

I am a new follower, but I had seen some of your beautiful creations at Totally Gorjuss.
I really loved your "ewe" card, so simple but yet so pretty!
And the candy looks very sweet, so I like to chance to win.
Love to see more of your work, greetings,

Claudia said...

Hi Hazel
wonderful candy!!!!!!
Thank you for the chance to win!Congrats on your 100 follower
I'm a new follower, I like your blog, your cards are beautiful.

MAGDA said...

Felicidades por sus 200seguidores,y por su blog, gracias por compartir con todas su alegria y este caramelo

Natali said...

You are celebrating 100+?! I can see already 200+ )) lol
Congratulations!!! Thank you for your lovely comments everytime!!

Jessica Theodore said...

Golly gosh your colouring is AMAZING Hazel! I know a certain blog that may be on the hunt for a talented colourer such as yourself in the near future :)

So glad I popped over, I am follower 246! Thanks for the chance to win some lovely candy and even more thanks for the amazing inspiration here on your blog :)

Jessica T (australia)

Kizzy said...

Hi Hazel, congratulations with the 100+ followers, but it's much more now. I visit your blog recently, you visit my blog after that what a truly appreciate, I allready enjoyed my visit here, your cards are absolutly amazing and I love your work.
I become a follower and I would love to take my chance for this amazing candy, thank you!
Hugs Kizzy

децибелушка said...

Congratulations to the 100 +, though it has 200 +!! thanks for the chance!

Vampirschmetterlings Basteleck said...


Gratulations to your 100plus followers. And thank´s for the cance to win this fab candy.

Greetings from Austria, Ingrid

Priya said...

Hi Hazel...

Thank you so much for the candy.. Nice to meet you... I have pop up the candy pic on the sidebar of my blog.. and following you now.. I have just found your blog.. its lovely!!!

noga said...

congratulations! thanks for the great candy, can really help me with my wedding album...

XxJULESxX said...

Hazel thank you for the chance to win this gorgeous candy! im gonna follow you now!

Kelly said...

Wow Hazel! Fab candy! Thank you for the chance to win xx

Mervi said...

Hi Hazel,
thanks for this chance to win so lovely candy.
And thanks for your kind comments and visits on my blog.
Happy crafting;-))m

Inkypinkydelights said...

Oh Hazel congratulations! Thank you too for the chance to win such a lovely candy. I really appreciate your lovely comments on my blog, and it is so good to findsomeone else that says Tootle Pip (must be a Yorkshire saying methinks! lol) Hope your weekend has been a good one, Judy x

Purple Crazy said...

Found you today after you left a lovely comment on my blog, so I popped over to have a look at your lovely work, haven't heard 'toodle pip' for years now, congrats on all your followers hugs, wendy x

Rebecca Hoy said...

Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog- I read and really appreciate them all. I love the blog candy items- very generous,

Rebecca x

Susan Hogan said...

Thank you for your visits to my blog and the encouraging words. Love that fact that your followers have doubled! Cheers,

The Crafty Den said...

Stunning candy Hazel. I'm now a follower and have added a pic in my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs, Denise x

Ira Emelyanova said...

Поздравляю с сотней!!!!! Рада буду видеть у себя в гостях!!!

Bubleeing Colors said...

Congrates for Gorgeous candy Haze and 166 followers..............I'm your new follower............ Thanks for the chance to win

Becky said...

Hi Hazel, Well done on reaching 100+ followers, you are nearly at 300 now!! Fab candy, I have posted in my sidebar.
Lovely blog, great work.
Becky x

Unknown said...

Hiya Hazel, found your blog from your comment you left on mine, Yep was Strikes I was at and I was probably stood next to you lol. Your candy is gorgeous, and so are your cards, I've already had a wee nosey and hope to have a good look through later when I've got more time! Thanks for the chance to win xx

Kristine said...

Love your work!
Great candy too :))

JoLis said...

Piękne Candy:) z chęcią zapisuje się:) Gratulacje 100 obserwatorów:)
Pozdrawiam niebiesko yolcia z

Unknown said...

Hello, I'm a new follower :O) I am enjoying your blog....thanks for the chance to win. Come visit me...

Choccy said...

Thankyou for your kind words on my blog.. I love coming here to see your gorgeous creations :O)Absolutely yummy candy too
Choccy xx

Elaine said...

'Tis me again you are celebrating how many followers!!! Close on 300 now! Your cards are fantastic and the more followers you have the more people get to view your talents.
I am watching to see you pass the 300 mark now :)

Hugs Elaine xx

Ala M. said...

Great candy! Congratulations! Have a nice day :)

Melissa Bove said...

Wow! What a fabulous giveaway! You are so sweet and generous Hazel!

I am a follower and posted your giveaway on my blog's Candy Corner!

Love your beautiful and inspiring work!


May said...

Hi another new follower.... how have I missed your blog in the past, wonderful creations, thank you for the chance to win such beautiful candy, Hugs May x x x x

Guylou said...

Wow thank you for this amazing candy
Guylou xx

June Nelson said...

Hi Hazel thanks for becoming my new follower im ever so grateful hunnie, thanks also for the chance to win your wonderful candy I have linked you on my blog, now im off to have a look at your beautiful creations, have alovely evening love and huggies June x

Sassy Raggedy said...

Hazel, I am your newest follower and signed up to your posts also. I love your cards and want to see more of them. Thanks for the chance to win your candy and congrats on all your followers. joann Sassy Raggedy

Emily H said...

Love your blog!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your 100 + followers ... thanks for chance to win

ANITA said...

Congrats!!! Hope to be in luck! I have a birthday on the 1st of May/

Quilltique Paradise said...

Hi there. I became a follower by accident. I don.t even know I got here but I have to say you have smth amazing. Your work is soo beautiful and so colorful. Wish I can do what u do. Congratulations on ur 100+ and know that u gained one more. Good Luck

TuKara said...

Felicitacion 100 followers Hazel!!!!!
Magnifique candy,,,,merci beaucoup.

Debs said...

How have I missed your blog Hazel - I really just don't know but I'm so glad I have found you now.
I too have candy that will be drawn on 1st May as it's my birthday!
Will post your fab candy on my sidebar and keep my fingers crossed.
Thank you so much for your generosity.
Have a fab day.
Debs xx

Юля Смирнова said...

Thank you for chance to win/

Blissful Paper Creations said...

Congratulations for your 100+ followers Hazel and thanks for the chance to win such an amazingly generous candy offer.

Warmest wishes, Julie Ann x

Dragonlady said...

Congratulations on so many followers - thought I already was one but I am now. THank you for the chance.

Hugs Ali x

Laila said...

What a amazing candy you're offering :o) Thanks for getting the chance to win it.
And congrats on all your followers :o)
Have a nice day.
Hugs Laila

Flowergirl said...

Such pretty candy!! Thank you for the chance to win x
Wendy x

Anonymous said...

Hi Hazel, thanks for the yummmyy it!

Paula said...

Hi Hazel, Great candy, hope I win! From Paula

Manu said...

This is a lovely candy!! Congratulations for your over 100 follower! Your works are great!
Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs!!

Gideoni said...

Congrats. Your blog is fantastic!


What a wonderful candy! Thanks for the chance! I posted about the candy on my side bar and became a follower. Not only because the candy, but because your work is lovely!

Kleine85 said...

Congrats to yo many followers :) Thanks so much for the chance to win this great candy.

Many hugs


Mrs.B said...

Hi Hazel, Congrats on ALL your followers!
and what fabulous candy - thanks for the chance to win.
Avril xx

A Casa di Ale said...


Isabelle Linnér said...

Congratulations that you have so many followers and I understand that you have so many when you are so talented :)

Gisela said...

Hard NOT to become a follower just for the candy but the truth is that your work is beautiful and what I liked the most is that you decorate your cards but they are not overly done. Sometimes crafters over decorate they cards and put too much, for my personal liking. Congratulations!! and thank you for the inspiration.

Ayu (MimiPipi Craft) said...

Hi Hazel, I love your creations. Thanks for the chance to win your candy

Shirley said...

Thanks for a chance to win this lovely candy. Shirley xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Hazel, Wow what a lovely lot of Candy - I'd be thrilled to be on the list for the opportunity to win it all! Thanks. Sally-Ann

Debbie said...

Hi Hazel, that is some collection of candy, gorgeous.Thank you for the chance to win.Congratulations on your 100+ followers, that's because your work is inspirational.Hugs Debbie x

Asia King (aka Joanna K) said...

Congrats on your 100+ followers and thank you for a chance to win ;). I am now a new follower and I am really glad I found your blog! Your work is lovely!

Ps. I also have my 2nd Blogaversary candy ;-). Hope you'd like to join and good luck!

Dorothee said...

hallo from Germany ,you have a great blog and candy,
congratulation to 100 Followers,you have wonderfull work

EvaE. said...

Hi Hazel, herzliche Glückwünsche zu soooo vielen Verfolgern und danke für dieses fantastische Candy, dass ich gern gewinnen würde. Ich hüpf dann mal in den Lostopf!

Liebe Grüße Eva

shampylou30 said...

hi hazel have just found your blog and its amazing thanks for chance to win candy off to view your older post now sue xxxx

Cathi said...

Hi Hazel -
Congrats on 100 followers - I'm actually your 325th!!! I just found your site and want to thank you for your generous blog candy offer!

sue w. said...

Hi Hazel, congratulations, how fab for you, I know I always feel great when someone new joins my followers. Well deserved and thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win this fab candy.
Hugs Sue W.

Art With Heart - Pracownia Plastyczna said...

I really love your cards. You're so talented!
Greeting from Poland,

Linda Visser - van der Velden said...

Nice blog! And nice candy! I am in :)

Becky Dunham said...

Sweet candy Hazel! I am already a follower of your delightful blog and love spending time here when I can! Thanks for the chance to win these lovely goodies!

Unknown said...

Congrats on all your wonderful followers, one can see why...what a wondeerful blog you have and how sweet of you to give us a chance to win these goodies...cheers from Australia...

Ruthie Lopez said...

Great candy!! nice blog!! Thanks for the chance to win these lovely goodies!

Kreative MauZ Julia said...

Hi, Great Candy! Hopefully I can participate at your candy, although i´m from germany. I love your Blog, thanks for much inspirations. Wish you all the best, Julia

Unknown said...

Hazel, congrats on having 100+ or should I say 300???Whar an awesome prize. Crossing fingers. Thanks and love your creations.

Chasia said...

Hi, congratulation of your existing in web and because we have had chance to be your followers :)
Very sweet candy - I hope that I have chance to win.
Greetings from Poland!

Dos Lunas said...

Thank you for the chance, lovely blog, i promise i will stay, congrats

KathR said...

Congrats on reaching 100 followers, love visiting your blog, it's fab...
hugz Kath...xx...

Anonymous said...


Shelly said...

Hi Hazel... thanks for visiting my blog, that's how I found you! You have some fabulous cards, great imagination and super colouring! Thank you for offering a chance to win your lovely candy. Pop by and visit me whenever you wish... I shall do the same! Hugs, Shelly x

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Wow, what a wonderful Blogcandy. Thanks for the chance to win, i've linked you on my sidebar.


Diane's Card Designs said...

Wow Hazel what fabulous candy. I have become a follower of your blog. I have also put a picture of your candy in my side bar with a link back here. I've been looking at your blog and your cards are beautiful. Going to have a look around Jill's shop.
Big hugs,
Diane xx

masonea said...

А я пишу на русском, очень понравился ваш сайт, может меня не понимают, но я очень рада стать вашим постоянным читателем, ну и поучаствую в вашей конфетке , может повезет... СПАСИБО ВАМ!!!!У вас очень красивые работы...

Karen said...

Wow! Huge congrats on your 345 mark sweetie!!
I used to live in Hull (many moons ago now.. smiles) two of my children were born there.
Lovely blog by the way - I'm so happy to have found you.

Helen said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win. I'm following you now xx

Kirsty said...

Hi Hazel Just found your blog ! just off to have a good look around ! Congratulations on having 100+ followers and many more to come I am sure including me lol ! Thanks for the opportunity ;0)

Dottie Seubert said...

Wow! What a fabulous giveaway! You are so sweet and generous Hazel!

I am a follower but I can not post your giveaway on my blog's side bar, as it is giving me a fit and all of my side bar is at the bottom of my blog page i hate the new format!!

Love your beautiful and inspiring work!


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 245   Newer› Newest»

Monday 30 April 2012

100 + Followers Blog Candy

Hello to You All

Well here it is - the much anticipated blog candy to say a great big "THANK YOU" and to celebrate my 100 + followers.

I have purchased the above items from the fabulous Jill at The Hobby House who kindly arranged and photographed this blog candy for me (thank you Jill), and if you haven't already checked out her new web site then you can find it here.  Jill has spent quite a bit of time pulling together a new web site for us all to drool over and the job of getting every picture uploaded takes its time, but my oh my it is worth it - make sure you keep checking back for updates every now and then.

Now this is the first time I have ever posted candy so I hope this all works out okay.  To be in with a chance to win, you will need to become a follower, post a picture of my candy in your side bar with a link back to my blog, enter your name below and finally leave me a comment and that's it.  Please only follow me if you like my work and not just for the candy.

For those overseas followers - I will post this candy worldwide so please make sure you enter.

This candy will close at the end of April and I will draw a winner on 1st May 2012.  Good luck to you all and thank you again for your continued support.

Hazel xx


1 – 200 of 245   Newer›   Newest»
Tanya said...

Congrats on 100 followers Hazel, thanks for the chance to win :)

Tags xx

Carol said...

Gorgeous candy Hazel! Congrats on over 100 followers and thanks for the chance to win. Carol x

Elaine said...

Hi Hazel...I guessed it was you when Jill said Hazel from Hull!! And I drooled over the goodies Jill was picking out, it's a beautiful candy and one that I would enter myself..but I think it unfair since I bought all the same things while I was there, but I will give you a shout out when I post next.
Hubby has (cos it's not mine!) a CI Riviera 181 so Phils says you must work for Autotrail if you work in Grimsby and by the way...he's trying to find a new washroom sink ha!

Love Elaine xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Hazel thanks for the chance to win the most beautiful blog candy. Hugs xxcaraxx

Ali said...

Congrats on all your follwers - thanks fro the chance to win - that candy looks scrummy xx

Teresa said...

Hello Hazel,
Thanks for offering this gorgeous candy, I am already a follower and will pop you in my sidebar shortly. I must take a little look at Jill's blog too. Hope you have a Happy Easter, hugs Teresa xx

mags said...

Lovely candy Hazel. I am already a follower and have put piccie in my sidebar. thanks for the chance to win.

marion said...

Jummy Candy Hazel ! Thanks for a chance of winning this. Congrats on your 100+ followers. Hugs, Marion

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy.

Lisa Jane said...

Couldn't resist entering your candy Hazel it looks gorgeous ... so pretty .
Congratulations on your 100 followers . I love popping by for a catch up and to see your fab creations..
Have a wonderful Easter weekend
Lisa x

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Congrats on 100 followers Hazel! Your creations are always so beautiful so I know your followers are never disappointed! I have put the picture in my sidebar and thanks for the chance to win some delicious candy hugs Susan x

Naomi Johnson said...

Hazel, thank you so much for becoming a follower of my little spot on the web and your lovely comments on my latest card. I have come over to see you and to become a follower in return. Your cards are inspirational and oh so very beautiful. I will add your candy to my sidebar to spread the news of your blog to others. Best wishes, Naomi x

Karen said...

Gorgeous candy Hazel, thanks for the chance to win. Lovely cards too!


rachel said...

Hiya Hazel - your candy looks amazing! Thanks for the chance to win - I'll post your candy to my sidebar and backlink to here - I'm sure your number of followers will double pretty quickly!!! Hugs ....and have a fabulous Easter - and thanks for all of your kind words! Rachel xx

Danielle said...

Such fabulous candy to share Hazel - thank you for the chance to win!
Hugs, Danielle

Ani said...

Hi Hazel! Thank you for your nice comment on my blog! And thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy! Ani

Diane Louise J said...

Thanks for the chance to win your lovely candy and congrats on your 100 followers.
Always enjoy visiting your blog. Love Diane x

Sharon said...

Congratulations Hazel on your first 100 followers. I am sure there will still be many more. You are so talented and your work is just stunning. Fabulous candy on offer. Good luck to all! I am off to pay that website a visit. hugs Sharon xx

Mo said...

Congratulations dear Hazel to your 100+ Followers and thanks indeed for the chance to win your GREAT candy...!!!
Happy Easter and big hugs

Shirley said...

Just found your blog and have become a follower. Would also like to thank you for a chance to win the candy.
Shirley xx

Jo Grason said...

congratulations on 100+ followers, your cards are absolutely gorgeous :) thanks for the chance to win xxx

Happy Crafter said...

Congratulations Hazel, love your beautiful blog and creations, your candy is so yummy i could not resist entering Thank you so much :)
Hugzz Val xx

karen said...

Hazel I am actually drooling, wow amazing candy, thanks for chance to win. Already a follower of your gorgeous work,hugs, Karenxx

Wendy said...

Congrats on your 100 + followers Hazel,all your creations are so gorgeous and what fab candy,thanks for the chance to win, someone is going to be very lucky, so many gorgeous things to play with...Happy Easter.
Wendy xx

Vicky said...

Lovely blog :) Your cards are really beautiful, thanks for the inspiration. Also thanks for the chance to win this great candy,

hugs Vicky x x x

Betty said...

Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I love all your creations and thank you for the chance to win this great candy. This is first time I've put a pic in my sidebar took me all evening to find out how. Hope I got it right

Margaret said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog and for your kind comment. Thank you also for the chance to win some yummy candy. I am already a follower.
Margaret M

Anonymous said...

Awesome Candy Hazel and very kind of you to offer all that scrummy yummi sweet sugar free RUSH! LOVE the look of it all off to look at The Hobby House! but just Hope I am lucky! Thanks for the chance! you know I am already one of your followers tehhehhee Hugs me xx


Hi Hazel - huge congratulations on reaching 100 followers, and thank you for offering the chance to win such fab. candy. I am already a follower, and will pop the details in my sidebar.

Have a happy Easter weekend - Sylvia x

Mina said...

wow wow wow lush candy Hazel, thanks for the chance to win...I was on Jill new site today, fantastic new design
Mina xxx

Franjopani said...

Hi Hazel, Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog and for following me. Your blog is lovely - I have just started following you as well. Thank you also for the chance to win such lovely candy x joy

Sassy Scrapper said...

Hi Hazel thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such wonderful comments. I'm so glad you did it totally made my day and now your a following which adds to the joy. I poked around a bit in your blog and your an amazing artist and also have some fabulous candy to offer. I am now one of your newest followers and look forward to getting to know you and seeing your future projects.
hugs Bonnie

Sassy Scrapper said...

I'm sorry I'd forgotten to congratulate you on your over 400 followers. Congratulations!!!!! This candy is super beautiful totally shabby chic which is what I really really love. Thanks for your generous gift to share your celebration! If I don't talk to you sooner have a wonderful Easter with your family and loved ones.
Hugs Bonnie

Crafting Diva said...

Wow wow what a wonderful candy prize and a big congrats on the 100+ followers I can see why you have so many your blog is great. I have joined and added a link/picture on my blog please feel free to join me and thanks for the chance to win.
hugs from Diva

Carol Willis said...

Oooh, gorgeous candy Hazel, thanks for the opportunity to win.
Caz x

mueppi said...

Good morning Hazel
what a wonderful candy!!!!!!
Thank you for the chance to win!
I wish you a lovely easter weekend!
Hugs Gisela

downrightcrafty said...

congratulations and I have seen these gorgeous items in Jill's shop and some one is going to be very lucky to win these, good luck everyone
Hugs Kate x

CraftyLisa said...

Hi Hazel, I'm a new follower and new to blogging, I love your blog and thanks for this, I hope I have done it right. x

Misu said...

Wow, thank you to win a sweet candy.

Rosalee said...

You are so generous to be offering this wonderful candy Hazel. Congrats on reaching 100+ followers. Thanks for the chance
Hugs, Rosalee

Стю said...

Thanks for the chance!

♥Gemma♥ said...

Congrats on getting to 100+ followers hun..

Hazel these goodies are absolutely lush & i would love the chance to win them, Thanks you!
Also added the pic to my sidebar for you, to help spread the word :D
hugs and xxx

Carole of Brum said...

Well done on making the 100 followers milestone, Hazel, I'm not surprised you got there.

what a gorgeous and generous candy, thanks for the chance to win it. I've put your photo on my sidebar, I'm sure you'll get loads of interest.

happy easter!


Regena said...

What yummy candy!! thats so sweet of u..thanks for sharing..linked it on my sidebar.and became a follower

Carole said...

The big 100, well done Hazel! Lovely & generous candy, mt fingers are crossed

Happy crafting
Carole xXx

chrissy xx said...

Mmmmm Yummy...Thank you for the chance..
Have linked you up..
Happy Easter.

Kim Dibben said...

Thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog, I traced you back and have had a look at the lovely creations on your blog, and have now become a follower. Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful candy.
Kim xx

Sazzle said...

I've justed bumped your followers up to 158 - WOW!!!! ust spent a while looking through your blog and am truely inspired and will certainly be popping back and have adding you to my ever increasing list of talented ladies :-)

xx Happy crafting and glittery hugs xx


Luanne said...

HI Hazel, Congratulations on having 100+ followers on your blog. I am your new follower and thank you for the chance.
I will be checking more of your posts.


KellysKards said...

Hi Hazel, your cards are great, I love the just for Ewe one. Congrats on 100+ followers and thank you so much for the chance to win this candy.

MontanA said...

Good morning Hazel.
What a wonderful candy! Thank you for the chance to win this gorgeous candy.
Happy Ester

Lorraine said...

congrats on over 100 followers hun not long till it will be 200,candy is so beautiful i would love to win thanks for the chance huni xx

Fabiola said...

félicitation pour tout ces membres, c'est amplement mérité, j'aimerais participer a ton candy, biz

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Congrats on your followers, I have posted your picture and link in my sidebar and am already a follower, thanks for giving us the chance to win your fab candy
Lindsay xx

Jessica said...

Congratulations on your followers, and thank you for the chance to win this beautiful candy :)
I am now one of your over hundred followers, and i must say that i adore youre beautiful creations!

Happy Easter!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on reaching 100 followers! Love your beautiful cards, great textures on them all. Thanks for the chance to win great candy :)

Maria Therese said...

Poppin over from my sweet friend Elaine ♥ Will go become a follower at once as I love your blog! And will come back to link up your candy in my blog tomorrow ♥

lis-m said...

hi Hazel, you must just be down the road from me... I am now a follower..thanks for the chance to win a stunning candy.. congrats on 100 followers

Hugs xx

Yvonne said...

Thanks to Elaine I arrived on your blog, I think your cards are gorgeous! You're sketches are great. So from now on I will follow you!
hugs Yvonne

Amanda R said...

Hi Hazel, Elaine also sent me to your blog and your work is just darling. Love your kitty too! Thanks for offering such awesome candy!

angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
i just found your blog sweetie, and what a gorgeous cards you make hunni, i become a follower right away, and thank you so much for a chance to win this gorgeous candy, if only i could be so lucky, not, hihihihiihhihih
i've linked to my sidebar sweetie
hugs angelique

Lisa said...

Hi Hazel, Thanks for the chance to win this stunning candy :-)

Lisa x

Fiona said...

wow Hazel...jest popped over from the lovely Elaine's blog, she said you had gorgeous they are lovely.

That candy looks so lush and I have never seen that kind before...thanks for the chance to win.


Annacarin said...

Hi Hazel!
Thank you for sweet words on my blog!
Congrats on having +100 followers!!
well... You have wonderful creations on your blog :D
I have now become a follower. Thanks for the chance to win a great candy!
Hugs Annacarin

Isha Gupta said...

Congratulations Hazel. Love your coloring and the blog. I am a new follower.

alethea said...

Congrats on your 100 followers Hazel! I'm sure you'll have many more soon!! Thanks for a chance to win this fab candy!! HUgsxx

Rachel F said...

congratulations! I too am a new follower have just found your blog - fantastic work. Now I am off to check out your old posts :-)

Bhawana said...

Congratulations for having 100+ followers and wish you many more to come. You are offering a beautiful candy. I love those adhesive pearls. Fingers crossed.. :).

Tracy said...

Hi Hazel! I popped over here from Elaine's after reading her post on your candy. I figured if she was bragging on you then you must be a pretty an awesome card maker. I'm surely not disappointed in what I see here on your blog. Looking forward to seeing more of your work. Love your Saturated Canary cards especially. :-) I have you all linked up on my blog. Thanks so much for a chance at this yumminess. Hugs!

Chrissy said...

Beautiful candy Hazel, gorgeous, thank you so much for the chance to win...


Sharon B said...

Hi Hazel, love your blog and many congrats on getting 100+ followers, may it continue to grow! Thanks for the chance to win your wonderful blog candy.

crafty hugs

Pamela said...

Your cards are stunning Hazel. Great candy and thank you
for the chance.

Pam x

Christine L said...

Hi Hazel

I don't normally join blogs when I see candy advertised on someone else's blog... (i think it's a tad mercenary..) But I hopped over here after seeing your blog shout out on Elaine's....... and WOWWW I have to say that I love your cards.... particularly your Saturated Canaries!! Your colouring is absolutely superb... and I look forward to seeing your future creations.... and I've definitely joined because I love your work - the chance of the candy is just an added bonus! I've added a couple of your cards to my 'inspiration' folder too!
Big hugs from a fellow Yorkshire resident...
Christine x

Else Slipsager said...

Congratulation on your 100+ follows. I'm so glad I found your blog, love your cards. Thanks for the oppotunity to win such a wounderfull blog candy.
Hugs from Denmark

Anonymous said...

I also hopped over from Elaine's and became a follower as your cards are absolutely fabulous. Thanks for the chance to win the yummy candy, and it's also nice to see a fellow crafter from Hull.
Hugs Sharon said...

Hi Hazel, My name is Karin and I visit your blog when I was visiting Eline's blog. I love to play along with your candy and congrat you with your alomst 200 followers! I have looked at your creations and I like your style That's the reason I became a new follower of your blog. I hope to see lots and lots of great creations!! Hugs, Karin

Minidoe said...

Hi Hazel!!! I'm Sara and I'm italian. I love very much the colors of your blog and your works are faboulous!!! thank you for this fantastic candy and the possibility to win this prize!!!

tilly said...

I am very pleased that Elaine pointed me in the direction of your blog, what a super inspiration, I have become a follower and hope to be back very soon
Tilly Trotter

Christine said...

Hi Jill thank you so much for a chance of this yummy candy.. were nearly neighbours I'm further up the coast in Filey.

smiles Christine x

Shazza said...

gorgeous candy. Was directed here by Elaine, am now a follower, your cards look fabulous!!

Anne said...

I arrived from Gem's Little Creations and it was well worth the visit. Your cards are beautiful and I'm now a follower.
Anne x

Anonymous said...

Wow...Hatzel, you are amazingly generous in your fabulous give-away. Thanks for the chance to win soooo yummy candy!

Marion said...

Hi Hazel,
This is a wonderful candy and thank you for the opportunity to enter. Hope you have had a wonderful Easter weekend.

Liz's creative corner said...

Hi Hazel I'm sorry hun but I've only just found your blog, will be back though, thanks for the chance of your lovely candy, hugs Liz xx

Nat said...

Congratulations on 100 followers Hazel, I love your work. I especially like how you did the sheep's wool on your 'Just for Ewe' card. Thanks for the chance to win your yummy candy. Natx

Crafteezee said...

Hi, just popped over from Elaine's blog, fabulous candy and I love your work so am happy to become a follower. I also have just put Candy on my blog if you'd like to hop over to me.
Hugs Tracy x

Tkat said...

hi there! i've a new follower of your blog and i've added your candy to my blog sidebar. head on over to my blog...i'm offering a small candy as well :)

fionalawlor said...

Hi Hazel!
I was about to say Congrats on 100+ followers when I noticed that it is now 200+ followers!! Yay! Congratulations and thanks so much for a chance to enter for this gorgeous candy :) I have added it to my sidebar.
Fiona L x

Kat said...

Wow Hazel, what fantastic candy. I love Hobby House pearls etc, they have such beautiful colours. I'm off to post a pic on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win.

Kat xx

Eileen said...

What generous candy Hazel. I spent a lot of money with them at the Harrogate show.. worth every penny.
Eileen x

Annie said...

Gorgeous Candy, and so generous! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Hugs Ann x

Casper said...

Amazing, Congrats on your 100+ and all the extra little
followers yo have above that too.

Of course your Candy is delctable and so scrummy.
May I also say that I love your cards and your style.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Good luck everyone.

Take care
Big Hugs

Fleur said...

WOW Hazel you have doubled your followers and then some! well deserved. Sorry it's taken me so long to pop over to you. Will definitly be popping by more. Gorgeous candy, thanks for the chance.
BIG HUGZ Fleur xXx

craftin-dawn said...

You have some gorgeous work here on your blog. I have become a follower and popped your link on my sidebar. I would love to see what you could do with some of Digi Darla's images, she has a couple freebies on her challenge blog HERE

Leanne said...

I'm the latest follower of your lovely blog & joined in the candy too.

Anreda said...

I've a new follower of your blog. I've added your candy to my blog sidebar. So now my fingers are crossed.
You make such great projects, i hope you can inspire me :)
Greetins Anreda

Ashley said...

My gosh those are such grogeous supplies, wish i had a store near by with that stuff!! Omgosh so have my fiingers crossed!!

Luciana Kajiura said...

Hi, I love your blog! I love stamps and cards. thank you for the wonderful candy.
Hugs from Brazil. Luciana.

Unknown said...

Hi Hazel firstly Congratulations on your 100 + + + followers :)
Thank you so so much for this chance to win your beautiful candy it is just so lovely and pretty!!!
Your Blog and creations are beautiful, I have added your pic with details and link back to you on my blog take care and thanks again...
Hugs Sarah x

Patty Sue 2 said...

What wonderful candy...I am so glad I found your blog....your work is lovely! I am studying your shading and it is fantastic. Congratulations on all your flollowers.

Neha Jain said...

hi hazel

This is neha from india
i am ur latest follower
thanks for chance to win

posted candy on sidebar
Steps Towards Crafting

Lin Monika said...

Hi Hazel!
This vas a lovely candy. Congratulations with 100 followers. "Just for Ewe" card is gorgeous. I started making cards in 2011 and have just started my blog. Hope I'm lucky!
Greetings from
Monika Lin

trish said...

Hi, just found your blog through Elaines one. This is new for me as i have just found out how to leave a comment. look forward to seeing all your cards, i managed to buy some of the Hobby House pearls at Papeterie two weeks ago, they are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Lovely blog and a great blog candy which I would love to win :) Feel free to join my candy as well if you like, it runs until Friday :) Have a great Wednesday. Best wishes from Norway :)

Nicole Doiron said...

I am a new follower of your blog, and i have to say that i am totally in love with your creations. The cards i've seen so far are all so pretty - you have a way with stamps that i cannot help but admire. Love all the little touches you add to your work with flowers and bling. I absolutely LOVE your 'Just for Ewe' card, among others! Thank you so much for sharing all that creativity with us and for the chance to win this generous prize! I added a picture of it in my blog sidebar :)

Людмила said...

Hi,Hazel!Congratulations on your first 100 followers.Your cards are really beautiful, thanks for the inspiration. Also thanks for the chance to win this great candy,

KandA said...

Congratulations on reaching 100+ followers - or should I say 200+ followers. It's a super blog and your cards are fabulous.
The candy is gorgous and it's so very generous of you.

Sonia said...

Hi Hazel,I will follow you willingly, I discovered by chance and immediately became your follower.I Your work is incredibly beautiful,compliments and thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy.

Snoopy said...

WOW! You're up to 231 followers! Woohoo for you! I hope your wonderful blog continues to attract many more followers. Your cards are so pretty! Keep up the great work!

Snoopy :D

P.S. Please consider me for your blog candy as well. Thanks. :D

Ladock girl said...

Hi Hazel, have just become a newbie to this blogging lark, and just found you, hope I am linking this candy to my blog properly, fingers crossed. Linda xxx

Кася said...

Your works are great! And Congratulations to you, you have 200+ followers!

Tina said...

beautiful blog happy to have found you candy was a bonus, thank you for the chance to win, posted to my blog and am a new follower...thank you

The Crafty Blonde said...

Gorgeous candy Hazel, thanks so much for the chance to win these scrummy goodies.
Lyndsey xx

Carole said...

Hi Hazel, I just love Hobby House goodies and those cute House Mouse images on your cards. I have been looking at your cards and must say they are fab ...i have made myself a follower and look forword to seeing the next card you post.

Carole x

Melanie-Jane said...

Oh what a great Candy. Thank you so much. I put it on my sidebard and am now a new follower. Had a look at your pretty creations, great inspiration. I also saw the copics storage cube with Vicky, hope I can get one ;0)
Wishing you a great weekend.
Greetings from Switzerland

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

Hi Hazel! Congratulations with 100 followers. Your works are very beautiful.
What a lovely candy, thanks for the chance to win.

Caz said...

Congrats on 100 followers..And brilliant candy...Thanx for chance to win..Have placed in sidebar..and im a follower..

Caz xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Hazel,

I am a new follower, but I had seen some of your beautiful creations at Totally Gorjuss.
I really loved your "ewe" card, so simple but yet so pretty!
And the candy looks very sweet, so I like to chance to win.
Love to see more of your work, greetings,

Claudia said...

Hi Hazel
wonderful candy!!!!!!
Thank you for the chance to win!Congrats on your 100 follower
I'm a new follower, I like your blog, your cards are beautiful.

MAGDA said...

Felicidades por sus 200seguidores,y por su blog, gracias por compartir con todas su alegria y este caramelo

Natali said...

You are celebrating 100+?! I can see already 200+ )) lol
Congratulations!!! Thank you for your lovely comments everytime!!

Jessica Theodore said...

Golly gosh your colouring is AMAZING Hazel! I know a certain blog that may be on the hunt for a talented colourer such as yourself in the near future :)

So glad I popped over, I am follower 246! Thanks for the chance to win some lovely candy and even more thanks for the amazing inspiration here on your blog :)

Jessica T (australia)

Kizzy said...

Hi Hazel, congratulations with the 100+ followers, but it's much more now. I visit your blog recently, you visit my blog after that what a truly appreciate, I allready enjoyed my visit here, your cards are absolutly amazing and I love your work.
I become a follower and I would love to take my chance for this amazing candy, thank you!
Hugs Kizzy

децибелушка said...

Congratulations to the 100 +, though it has 200 +!! thanks for the chance!

Vampirschmetterlings Basteleck said...


Gratulations to your 100plus followers. And thank´s for the cance to win this fab candy.

Greetings from Austria, Ingrid

Priya said...

Hi Hazel...

Thank you so much for the candy.. Nice to meet you... I have pop up the candy pic on the sidebar of my blog.. and following you now.. I have just found your blog.. its lovely!!!

noga said...

congratulations! thanks for the great candy, can really help me with my wedding album...

XxJULESxX said...

Hazel thank you for the chance to win this gorgeous candy! im gonna follow you now!

Kelly said...

Wow Hazel! Fab candy! Thank you for the chance to win xx

Mervi said...

Hi Hazel,
thanks for this chance to win so lovely candy.
And thanks for your kind comments and visits on my blog.
Happy crafting;-))m

Inkypinkydelights said...

Oh Hazel congratulations! Thank you too for the chance to win such a lovely candy. I really appreciate your lovely comments on my blog, and it is so good to findsomeone else that says Tootle Pip (must be a Yorkshire saying methinks! lol) Hope your weekend has been a good one, Judy x

Purple Crazy said...

Found you today after you left a lovely comment on my blog, so I popped over to have a look at your lovely work, haven't heard 'toodle pip' for years now, congrats on all your followers hugs, wendy x

Rebecca Hoy said...

Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog- I read and really appreciate them all. I love the blog candy items- very generous,

Rebecca x

Susan Hogan said...

Thank you for your visits to my blog and the encouraging words. Love that fact that your followers have doubled! Cheers,

The Crafty Den said...

Stunning candy Hazel. I'm now a follower and have added a pic in my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs, Denise x

Ira Emelyanova said...

Поздравляю с сотней!!!!! Рада буду видеть у себя в гостях!!!

Bubleeing Colors said...

Congrates for Gorgeous candy Haze and 166 followers..............I'm your new follower............ Thanks for the chance to win

Becky said...

Hi Hazel, Well done on reaching 100+ followers, you are nearly at 300 now!! Fab candy, I have posted in my sidebar.
Lovely blog, great work.
Becky x

Unknown said...

Hiya Hazel, found your blog from your comment you left on mine, Yep was Strikes I was at and I was probably stood next to you lol. Your candy is gorgeous, and so are your cards, I've already had a wee nosey and hope to have a good look through later when I've got more time! Thanks for the chance to win xx

Kristine said...

Love your work!
Great candy too :))

JoLis said...

Piękne Candy:) z chęcią zapisuje się:) Gratulacje 100 obserwatorów:)
Pozdrawiam niebiesko yolcia z

Unknown said...

Hello, I'm a new follower :O) I am enjoying your blog....thanks for the chance to win. Come visit me...

Choccy said...

Thankyou for your kind words on my blog.. I love coming here to see your gorgeous creations :O)Absolutely yummy candy too
Choccy xx

Elaine said...

'Tis me again you are celebrating how many followers!!! Close on 300 now! Your cards are fantastic and the more followers you have the more people get to view your talents.
I am watching to see you pass the 300 mark now :)

Hugs Elaine xx

Ala M. said...

Great candy! Congratulations! Have a nice day :)

Melissa Bove said...

Wow! What a fabulous giveaway! You are so sweet and generous Hazel!

I am a follower and posted your giveaway on my blog's Candy Corner!

Love your beautiful and inspiring work!


May said...

Hi another new follower.... how have I missed your blog in the past, wonderful creations, thank you for the chance to win such beautiful candy, Hugs May x x x x

Guylou said...

Wow thank you for this amazing candy
Guylou xx

June Nelson said...

Hi Hazel thanks for becoming my new follower im ever so grateful hunnie, thanks also for the chance to win your wonderful candy I have linked you on my blog, now im off to have a look at your beautiful creations, have alovely evening love and huggies June x

Sassy Raggedy said...

Hazel, I am your newest follower and signed up to your posts also. I love your cards and want to see more of them. Thanks for the chance to win your candy and congrats on all your followers. joann Sassy Raggedy

Emily H said...

Love your blog!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your 100 + followers ... thanks for chance to win

ANITA said...

Congrats!!! Hope to be in luck! I have a birthday on the 1st of May/

Quilltique Paradise said...

Hi there. I became a follower by accident. I don.t even know I got here but I have to say you have smth amazing. Your work is soo beautiful and so colorful. Wish I can do what u do. Congratulations on ur 100+ and know that u gained one more. Good Luck

TuKara said...

Felicitacion 100 followers Hazel!!!!!
Magnifique candy,,,,merci beaucoup.

Debs said...

How have I missed your blog Hazel - I really just don't know but I'm so glad I have found you now.
I too have candy that will be drawn on 1st May as it's my birthday!
Will post your fab candy on my sidebar and keep my fingers crossed.
Thank you so much for your generosity.
Have a fab day.
Debs xx

Юля Смирнова said...

Thank you for chance to win/

Blissful Paper Creations said...

Congratulations for your 100+ followers Hazel and thanks for the chance to win such an amazingly generous candy offer.

Warmest wishes, Julie Ann x

Dragonlady said...

Congratulations on so many followers - thought I already was one but I am now. THank you for the chance.

Hugs Ali x

Laila said...

What a amazing candy you're offering :o) Thanks for getting the chance to win it.
And congrats on all your followers :o)
Have a nice day.
Hugs Laila

Flowergirl said...

Such pretty candy!! Thank you for the chance to win x
Wendy x

Anonymous said...

Hi Hazel, thanks for the yummmyy it!

Paula said...

Hi Hazel, Great candy, hope I win! From Paula

Manu said...

This is a lovely candy!! Congratulations for your over 100 follower! Your works are great!
Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs!!

Gideoni said...

Congrats. Your blog is fantastic!


What a wonderful candy! Thanks for the chance! I posted about the candy on my side bar and became a follower. Not only because the candy, but because your work is lovely!

Kleine85 said...

Congrats to yo many followers :) Thanks so much for the chance to win this great candy.

Many hugs


Mrs.B said...

Hi Hazel, Congrats on ALL your followers!
and what fabulous candy - thanks for the chance to win.
Avril xx

A Casa di Ale said...


Isabelle Linnér said...

Congratulations that you have so many followers and I understand that you have so many when you are so talented :)

Gisela said...

Hard NOT to become a follower just for the candy but the truth is that your work is beautiful and what I liked the most is that you decorate your cards but they are not overly done. Sometimes crafters over decorate they cards and put too much, for my personal liking. Congratulations!! and thank you for the inspiration.

Ayu (MimiPipi Craft) said...

Hi Hazel, I love your creations. Thanks for the chance to win your candy

Shirley said...

Thanks for a chance to win this lovely candy. Shirley xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Hazel, Wow what a lovely lot of Candy - I'd be thrilled to be on the list for the opportunity to win it all! Thanks. Sally-Ann

Debbie said...

Hi Hazel, that is some collection of candy, gorgeous.Thank you for the chance to win.Congratulations on your 100+ followers, that's because your work is inspirational.Hugs Debbie x

Asia King (aka Joanna K) said...

Congrats on your 100+ followers and thank you for a chance to win ;). I am now a new follower and I am really glad I found your blog! Your work is lovely!

Ps. I also have my 2nd Blogaversary candy ;-). Hope you'd like to join and good luck!

Dorothee said...

hallo from Germany ,you have a great blog and candy,
congratulation to 100 Followers,you have wonderfull work

EvaE. said...

Hi Hazel, herzliche Glückwünsche zu soooo vielen Verfolgern und danke für dieses fantastische Candy, dass ich gern gewinnen würde. Ich hüpf dann mal in den Lostopf!

Liebe Grüße Eva

shampylou30 said...

hi hazel have just found your blog and its amazing thanks for chance to win candy off to view your older post now sue xxxx

Cathi said...

Hi Hazel -
Congrats on 100 followers - I'm actually your 325th!!! I just found your site and want to thank you for your generous blog candy offer!

sue w. said...

Hi Hazel, congratulations, how fab for you, I know I always feel great when someone new joins my followers. Well deserved and thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win this fab candy.
Hugs Sue W.

Art With Heart - Pracownia Plastyczna said...

I really love your cards. You're so talented!
Greeting from Poland,

Linda Visser - van der Velden said...

Nice blog! And nice candy! I am in :)

Becky Dunham said...

Sweet candy Hazel! I am already a follower of your delightful blog and love spending time here when I can! Thanks for the chance to win these lovely goodies!

Unknown said...

Congrats on all your wonderful followers, one can see why...what a wondeerful blog you have and how sweet of you to give us a chance to win these goodies...cheers from Australia...

Ruthie Lopez said...

Great candy!! nice blog!! Thanks for the chance to win these lovely goodies!

Kreative MauZ Julia said...

Hi, Great Candy! Hopefully I can participate at your candy, although i´m from germany. I love your Blog, thanks for much inspirations. Wish you all the best, Julia

Unknown said...

Hazel, congrats on having 100+ or should I say 300???Whar an awesome prize. Crossing fingers. Thanks and love your creations.

Chasia said...

Hi, congratulation of your existing in web and because we have had chance to be your followers :)
Very sweet candy - I hope that I have chance to win.
Greetings from Poland!

Dos Lunas said...

Thank you for the chance, lovely blog, i promise i will stay, congrats

KathR said...

Congrats on reaching 100 followers, love visiting your blog, it's fab...
hugz Kath...xx...

Anonymous said...


Shelly said...

Hi Hazel... thanks for visiting my blog, that's how I found you! You have some fabulous cards, great imagination and super colouring! Thank you for offering a chance to win your lovely candy. Pop by and visit me whenever you wish... I shall do the same! Hugs, Shelly x

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Wow, what a wonderful Blogcandy. Thanks for the chance to win, i've linked you on my sidebar.


Diane's Card Designs said...

Wow Hazel what fabulous candy. I have become a follower of your blog. I have also put a picture of your candy in my side bar with a link back here. I've been looking at your blog and your cards are beautiful. Going to have a look around Jill's shop.
Big hugs,
Diane xx

masonea said...

А я пишу на русском, очень понравился ваш сайт, может меня не понимают, но я очень рада стать вашим постоянным читателем, ну и поучаствую в вашей конфетке , может повезет... СПАСИБО ВАМ!!!!У вас очень красивые работы...

Karen said...

Wow! Huge congrats on your 345 mark sweetie!!
I used to live in Hull (many moons ago now.. smiles) two of my children were born there.
Lovely blog by the way - I'm so happy to have found you.

Helen said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win. I'm following you now xx

Kirsty said...

Hi Hazel Just found your blog ! just off to have a good look around ! Congratulations on having 100+ followers and many more to come I am sure including me lol ! Thanks for the opportunity ;0)

Dottie Seubert said...

Wow! What a fabulous giveaway! You are so sweet and generous Hazel!

I am a follower but I can not post your giveaway on my blog's side bar, as it is giving me a fit and all of my side bar is at the bottom of my blog page i hate the new format!!

Love your beautiful and inspiring work!


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